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I was in denial all this time...

I never liked you.

I didn't want to look at you.

Be around you.

Think about you.

I hated you.

You were obnoxious.

Nice to everyone.

Too nice to everyone....

I was never like that...

You were my opposite.

You liked me.

I hated you.

You wanted to be my friend.

I denied you.

I said I hated you.

You were upset.

I tried not to care.

It didn't work...

I cared about you.

I was just in denial.

I liked you.

I wanted to be your friend...

I thought I hated you.

But I didn't...

I loved you...

I didn't see you for weeks...

You never came back...

I missed you.

Why didn't you come back?

It's been years...

I found something out...

You had died years ago...

You committed suicide...

You were in your room...

Your parents found you...

I cried for days after that...

That's why I never saw you...

That's why I never will...

I was in denial.

I want to see you...

I want to hear you...

You never knew it...

But I loved you...

More than you would know...

More than I thought...

But I can't tell you...

Until we meet again...

It won't be long...

I promise...


This was kinda sad... In my mind at least.

I think I might use this as a sad story thing, like... A place where I can put all of my sad stories and stuff, so... Yeah... Anyways, I hope I didn't make anyone cry, if I did, I'm sorry.

So... If you want, leave a comment, tell me how I did, what you thought of it, constructive criticism would be nice... Anyways, I shall be going! Until next time! Later people!

-Dani ^^

DenialOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant