Chapter 13

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So what are you going to do today? Abel signed, his fingers a blur of limbs.

Adam glanced at his brother, his sea green eyes glancing at his own blue ones, I definitely want to pick up Eve's spirits, poor kid has had his heart broken.

Abel frowned, his brows furrowed in concern, What happened?

Adam's gaze shifted towards the window, the glint of his recently fixed motorcycle providing an excuse for him to avoid his brother's unwavering and discerning gaze, He tried to get someone to notice him but that someone beat him when he found out he was a man.

Anger boiled beneath his skin as he retold the story to his brother, the way Evan so easily cast Eve aside, leaving him beaten and with a shattered heart. Eyes that were once alight with happiness and innocence, were now dark and dull with sorrow. Adam wanted to return the light into Eve's blue eyes, to feel Eve's soft lips press up against his own.

No, he chastised himself. Who knows how long it would take Eve to get over his first heartbreak.

I'm sorry, Abel said, his green eyes manifesting his sadness, You care much for him, don't you?

Adam nodded, the memory of seeing Eve for the first time clenching his heart, a sensation he only felt when he was around the young man.

You love him, Abel said, tilting his head with a single arched brow. Adam looked away, unable to handle the truth his brother signed. He was barely realizing it himself, ever since he first met the young man. Innocent and so full of life, Adam couldn't help but be attracted to him, a beacon of light in Adam's bleak existence.

He is kind. It was all Adam could say to his brother. There was more but he couldn't bring himself to say it.

"Adam?" A soft voice said, causing his heard to whirl in Eve's direction. And just like every time he saw the slender young man, his breath hitched and his heart speed inside his chest. Blue eyes shyly peered at him through his dark lashes, his slender fingers covered by the oversize sweater that he brought from his home, coupled with a pair of dark blue jeans. No longer was he dressed in female clothes but in a simple outfit that most young men his age would wear.

Adam gave him a soft smile, "Hey Eve, you ready?"

The young man nodded, "Yeah, but you never told me where we're going."

Adam smiled and walked towards him, his fingers playfully sliding through Eve's soft hair, earning a glare from the blue eyed boy. But the didn't faze the older male, instead, he breathed in the unique smell of vanilla that seemed to cling onto Eve.

"Just somewhere fun," Adam grinned, making Eve frown. And for the tiniest moment, Adam felt disappointed in not seeing a smile of Eve's plump lips.


"You bought me to an LGBT Festival," Eve dead panned, his lips set in a grim line, "I hate to break it to Adam but I don't really need this." It wasn't so much of the people that bothered him, but the bright rainbow colors and the laughter that filtered the chilly air. It bothered him, everything was too... Happy.

Adam rolled his eyes, "I think you do. Besides, I hear there is a competition for 'Best Dressed'."

Eve snorted, "Adam. As much as I enjoyed putting on women's clothes for the sake of someone who never noticed me," he said bitterly, "I am not willing to do it again in public, much less a contest."

"C'mon Eve," Adam said, wrapping and arm around Eve's waist and pulling him against Adam's hard body, "There's a prize for the winner," he leaned in, his soft lips brushing against Eve's ear, "Three thousand dollars."

Eve chuckled nervously, trying to ignore the warmth that seemed to seep into his cold skin and the strange fluttering ins use his heart, "And what would I do with that money?"

Adam smirked, "Well you could by some more action figures or those Funko figurines."

Eve pursed his lips, "Well I've been wanting to get a Groot collectible," he mumbled under his breath.

"Good," Adam said, sounding almost like a Devil's advocate with velvet voice. Before he knew it, the older male had dragged him to a booth, slamming twenty on the wooden counter, startling the strangely dressed man.

Bright makeup was smeared across his face, purple lips parted open in surprise, "Oh dear. One ticket?"

Adam nodded, "For him," shoving his thumb in Eve's direction. Eve blinked, almost like a deer caught in headlights.

"Oh my! Then on we go then," the drag queen said, the bright orange nails brushing Eve's shoulder, pushing him into the dimly lit building.

"Have fun!" Adam said, sending a wink in Eve's way.

Fun my ass, Eve thought, his eyes falling a male who was grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"Alright sweetie," the drag queen said, flashing his white teeth, "Ramon will dress you up for the contest. He's here so he can get noticed by a makeup artist agency. So if you win, so does Ramon!" He said, his voice taking a higher octave before leaving. Eve glanced at "Ramon", a towering young Hispanic male with muscles that bulged beneath his black shirt, looking the exact opposite of a makeup artist.

"My name is Ramon," the man said, flashings his white teeth as he smiled, his hand motioning Eve to the chair, "I'll be preparing you for the contest."

"So how does this work?" Eve said, taking his place on the chair, eyeing the many different types of dresses that hung on the racks.

Ramon grabbed a brush and began to comb his short hair, "You choose what type of outfit you'd like and my job is to make you look the part."

Eve glanced at the the artist, "What do you think would fit me best?"

Ramon grinned and glanced at the rack, taking out an outfit filled with frills, "I believe with your eyes this one would be best."


Adam glanced at his phone, a frown on his lips. The contest was supposed to start any time now. He glanced up, a crowd already accumulating in front of the bright lit stage, the sky itself slowly darkening as the sun began too set.

Pete has probably gone to his night shift by now, Adam thought.

"Alright fellow friends!" An announcer cried from the stage, the bright colors of her dress flashing beneath the light. The crowd whooped and clapped, clearly excited for the contest. "For the moment you all have been waiting for! Here we have our first contestant!"

A woman trotted up, her usually feminine figure disguised beneath the tailored black suit. Not the best choice but it suited her harsh look. Several others passed by but none of them caught his eye.

Until the last one.

There was Eve, dressed in a pink Victorian dress, a single blue eye visible from his dark hair. Two black pig tails held up a pink hat, gloved fingers clutching a pink umbrella.

Fuck, Adam thought, He's beautiful.

EveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora