Prologue-Into the Past

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A heart is all I can hear, my heart. It was beating as if it knew that 

The black of his hair haunts the light. The candle shivers then dies. He was paler than the snow we get at Christmas Eve. He then smirked a fox like grin, as he looked me in the eyes. My breath caught in my now dry throat. His eyes were the eyes of a predator, and I knew then that I was his prey. He was the coyote and I the rabbit cowering in my den. He had a gleam in his eyes that I knew all too well. He was the thing that I feared. He was the monster in my closet.

I then screamed hoping my Parents would come but I had this feeling in my chest. My family couldn't help me now, no one could. His long pale fingers wrapped themselves around my closet door pushing it open.

I tried to run but my legs felt like someone had cemented me to the floor. It was like a nightmare but in reality. He came closer and closer to me. My lungs closed up my eyes grew wide with fright. My mouth opened to scream but only silence could be heard. I heard his quiet chuckle, he was right in front of me. Then his cold hand grasped my shoulder. As if He was going to crush it into the dust for which I was born.

A silent river of tears flowed down my face. I tasted the salty water as if I was bleeding the ocean. So, as an attempt to escape the evil boy I stumbled over to my walk in closet and pushed it open. I then shivered as I thought of him, the creature that could make any girl weak at the knees, but could frighten even the bravest of men. I mentally told myself to change the subject of thought. I heard only silence so I decided to try and open my closet door, but it wouldn't budge. Then, I remembered that I had held the door open just a jar with a small wooden box.

"So how did it end up shutting if you closed it?"

I jumped as I heard that voice run through my thoughts. My mind was racing with questions.

"Am I going insane now too?"

"Nope, your just as sane as I am."

I froze as the voice answered, I could've sworn that I had heard that voice before.

"You have."

I decided to answer back to see if I was truly hearing this voice that rasped rumbled and groaned as if the person who spoke hadn't taken a drink of water for a long time..

"Who are you?"

I waited for a reply but just as I was about to give up that voice then spoke again,

"You shall soon find out child."

I was about to ask the voice what it meant by soon when I heard an insane chuckle coming from behind me. I then smelt a loathsome stench, and it made my head spin. I decided to turn around slowly, there behind me was a hideous creature. It had grey skin with scars layering it's wrinkly skin.

"Hello friend it is me. We used to do everything when you were a little child that believed in the things that would make your parents scream. I am the one who talks to you inside that vast mind of yours. My name is SMILEY and I need my friend to come and play with me now. But it will be my games that we play. So Close your eyes, and GO TO SLEEP"

The last thing I saw Before everything went black was the creatures rotting teeth looming over me. Then, my eyes shut and I saw no more.

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