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As soon as my eyes opened and a new day began, I could sense there was something brewing to make this day different. Whether it was just feeling a sense of excitement to get to school, which was usually  not normal, or whether it was angry tones I could hear my father using, something was off. 

Putting on my usual black hoodie and gaming shirt, I went in search of breakfast. But hearing my father still yelling about boundaries and something regarding old treaties, I knew to just grab a poptart and hurry out the door before I was pulled into this discussion. 

Pulling onto the front sidewalk in front of the middle school, I started to lock up my bike as the secretary caught my attention. "Tristan, we have a new student starting today so we'd appreciate your assistance," she remarked. I nodded and headed first to my locker.  I'm definitely glad I decided to leave my favorite book in my locker especially since I have no idea of how long or how bored I was going to end up being waiting in the office.  Grabbing my Harry Potter books, I fought against the current of students flowing in the opposite directions to class, finally arriving at my intended destination.

As I walked into the office I could hear the quiet silvery tone of the girl at the counter. "Ah, so that's the new girl," I thought as I tried to listen to any other facts I could gain from my eavesdropping. As the new girl, Kiley,as she told the secretary,went to grab a seat, I made sure to head to the connecting chair.  Grabbing my book from my satchel I was not surprised to get a reaction from the short-haired pixie-like girl. Seems I'm not the only Potter fan.

We didnt get much time to say much but I at least had time to clarify I was here to help for for a punishment before she was called into speak to Principal Ecker.  I sat outside the door contemplating my reaction to seeing those ocean blue eyes looking straight into my own eyes.  I was so used to most people not making eye contact, almost as if sensing power or like when a person bows lower and avoids contact to superior beings. But Kiley had no fear or would not cower to another who could be more powerful, almost challenging the hiearachy that was already established in this school, even in this community by my parents. 

I was definitely enjoying a quiet chuckle as Kiley put the principal in her place regarding moving being the reason for so many different schools. I could tell Kiley was nervous under her strong bravado based on the increased heart rate, either out of fear for being in a new school or was it because she wasn't telling the whole truth about the reasons for so many new schools. I definitely will be have to confront my father to see about any changes to the area, new families or possible conflicts surrounding the town. As the Principal came out with Kiley, she explained my unique situation and how I was there to help her out. I became more intrigues, smelling the freshly baked cupcake aroma surrounding the new student. I could sense the reaction I caused as Kiley walked out of the room. This was definitely the first time I was glad that i did fight my parents so hard to stick in 8th grade, even fighting to even get into the school system. 

Holding the office door,, Kiley squeezed between the door and myself, knowing I could have given her more room but wanting to get another whiff of the cupcake smelling pixie with the hypnotic eyes.

Walking behind Kiley I looked over her shoulder as she tried to go between looking at her schedule and the school map. "Just follow me. The school may seem big but luckily its mostly one big square and only one floor. The hallways that go through the middle are where you will locate all specials, " I explained. Having much free time, I definitely figured out the easiest way to pass thru the halls within such a short passing time between classes. And I was definitely excited to know with my free time that I was now going to be spending more time in these halls trying to catch a glimpse of the new girl. I was also going to start attending more specials like art to make sure to sit near Kiley to learn to make every moment count. I was going to try to see where these unique feelings, from such a short contact, was from. 

Trying to keep an eye on Kiley's schedule I tried to show her where she was going but was also trying to fill her in about all the activities, especially ones I participated in like Student Council and French Club. And I was very happy when Kiley seemed to want to know meeting times.

Finally, after showing Kiley where her locker was, I completed my required task and got her to her registered class for the rest of 1st period. Knowing I really had no more reason to keep talking and holding her up, I grudgingly said goodbye. But I took advantage of my photographic memory, remembering every class during each day, and knowing I would make sure I was Kiley again VERY soon. 

Dropping her off at the classroom I waited until she turned and walked away before utilizing my speed to get the complete opposite side of the building before I missed all of 1st period too. But I was definitely going to make sure I kept an open eye to where the cupcake scent of Kiley was throughout the rest of the day.

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