Forbidden Love?

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**** Just got back from shopping :) I got a new phone case ^o^ Anyway who cares about my life- Here's the new chapter! Enjoy!!!! ****

Lucy P.o.v-

Once Levy and I got inside of the school building, she lead me right to my locker.

"Here we go Lu-Chan! Locker 109." Levy said, smacking the locker door.

"Cool! It's larger than I imagined. Thanks Levy." 

"Are you the new girl?" A women asked at the locker next to mine hiding behind its door. 

"Yes." I answered

"Your Lucy, right?" The women asked once again.

"Yeah, and you are may I ask?" I answered polietly.

"I'm Juvia." She came out from behind her locker door, "I was asked to show you around the school." 

"Nice to meet you Juvia," I smiled.

"I better get going." Levy said, "Bye Juvia! See ya later, Lu-chan!" 

"Bye Levy!" Juvia and I said together waving as she ran off.

"Do you know where any of your classes are?" Juvia asked.

"Sadly, no." I frowned.

"I'll take you to them! Follow me." Juvia said grabbing my arm then pulling me off my feet.

"How do you know my schedule?" I asked.

"We have the same schedule! The princible, Mr. Makarov, specifically made our schedules to match so you don't get lost. It was a command from your father." Juvia explained.

"Oh.." I sighed. There goes my father again, being protective. 

"This is our Social Studies class. Our teacher is Professor Capricorn. Everyone likes to call him Mr. Cap though." Juvia giggled.

"He sounds nice." I said.

"Sometimes. But, he can get serious real fast. Although we are his first hour, theres no one before us to piss him off." Juvia laughed as did I. 


"Oh! That was the bell. Come on class is starting!" Juvia pulled me inside our Social Studies classroom.

"Levy is supposed to be in this class right?" I asked Juvia.

"Yeah. She'll be here soon- Oh wait right on time." Juvia said just as Levy walked in.

"Hi guys!" Levy said sitting down right next to us in the back corner of the classroom.

"Hi!" I greeted.

"Is Erza or Mirajane here yet?" Levy asked.

"Erza and Mirajane?" I said confusingly.

"Erza and Mirajane are our friends. They were both held back though because of their behavior in 5th grade. They used to be 'rivals' but now are friends. And no their not here yet." Juvia answered.

"Oh. Are they nice?" I asked.

"Mirajane was sweet since the disappearance of her sister. She ran away while Mirajane was in the 6th grade. Erza is nice but serious most of the time." Levy explained to me.

"Erza and Levy are the ones that help us get the A's in this class." Juvia leaned in and whispered to me.

I giggled.

"Hey!" Levy pouted.

"Hi guys, sorry were late." Mira smiled.

"Who's this?" Erza asked.

"I'm Lucy." I smiled and offered to shake Erza's hand, she accepted and we shook.

"I'm Erza and she's Mirajane." Erza greeted and pointed to her white-silver haired friend.

"Nice to meet you, Lucy!" Mirajane smiled and waved.

They both sat down next to us. I would have to say. This was a great start to my day, I would have thought I would have been lonely. But look at me, I've got 4 new friends already!

After the class period ended, Juvia and I continued walking to our Senior Math class. 

"How do you think the Social Studies class went?" Juvia asked.

"Great! I think this school is great, other than the two pages of research Mr C gave us." I laughed.

"Heh, you might wanna expect that alot." Juvia commented.

"Hey Lucy!" Natsu yelled.

"Natsu!" I smiled and waved. Natsu came running to us.

"You two know eachother?" Juvia asked.

"Yeah. He's my neighboor." I said.

"Juvia, Gray was looking for you earlier." Natsu said.

"He was? What for?" Juvia asked.

"I have no idea, I guess he'll tell you in math." Natsu answered.

We arrived in math class, and worked together through out the period. 

Juvia continued to show me through the school the rest of the day, as it finally ended.

I learned alot today, that had nothing to do with school. Juvia and Gray were dating, Levy was a huge book worm as myself, Erza was one of the most overpowering girls in the school, and Mirajane had a sister that ran away 5 years ago. I thought alot about everyone as I walked out of the school, you could say I was in deep thought, until..

"Lucy!!!" Natsu yelled running up behind me.

"Natsu?" I turned around to see Natsu about to run into me, until he did when we fell flat on the ground.

"What was that for?!" I asked opening my eyes and rubbing my head. I saw Natsu sitting on top of me.

"Sorry Lucy. I was running then I tried to stop... but then I failed." Natsu pouted.

"Haha. It's fine. Now can ya get off?" I laughed.

"Oh right, sorry."

"No problem." I said picking up my books. 

"Here," Natsu said lending his hand to me to help me up.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Do you need a ride home?" Natsu asked.

"Oh yeah! Definatly." I accepted.

"Great. I'll drive ya." Natsu smiled.

We walked together to his car. He opened the door for me.

"What a gentlemen." I winked at him.

"Your welcome." He laughed, then shut the door for me and headed to his side of the car.

"You know you don't have to drive me all the time." I said.

"There's no way I will let you walk home. Thats far away." Natsu stated.

"Alright." I rolled my eyes and giggled.

"I heared about your mom passing away." Natsu said.

"Oh, yeah. I actually forgot about her death today for once."

"I'm sorry about it. How has everything been since?" Natsu asked.

"Alright I guess. My father has gotten alot more strict though. He's been very protective." I answered.

"Oh. On the other hand, what do ya think about the school?"

"It's great. Juvia, Levy, Mira, and Erza are great friends, and Gray, Elfman, and you are really nice." I said.

"I'm nice? Thats all?" Natsu laughed.

"Okay, not nice, your amazing, sweet, and kind-hearted. And your pink hair pulls off the look." I giggled.

"Oh why thank you!" Natsu said brushing his hand through his hair. "I try to make it look this beautiful every morning."

"You don't do anything to it do you?" I laughed.


Finally we got to my home.

"Thanks for the ride Natsu!" 

"Wait, don't touch that handle!" Natsu said opening his car door and running over to my door. I could see my father looking outside at us from his office window again. I starred back at him until Natsu opened my door.

"Thank you." I laughed.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning." Natsu said helping me out of the car.

"Yep." I answered. I looked back up at the office window and saw that my father had disappeared.

"Hey Luce, I've been wanting to ask you something-" Natsu tried saying.

"Lucy, say goodbye to your friend. It's time to go." My father yelled from the front porch.

"I'm sorry Natsu. I-I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow morning right? When you pick me up?" I asked while backing away slowly.

"Yeah. See ya." Natsu said frowning then walking to his car.

"Father! What was that about!" I yelled at him as we got inside.

"You do not talk to men that I do not approve of!" Father yelled.

"You could see from the office how much of a gentlemen he was!" I yelled back.

"I do not care. You live under my house and my rules! You are forbidden to ever see that man again." Father said.

"Father!-" I tried saying.

"No. Go to your room young lady!" He commanded.

"Yes Father." I said walking away. I can't believe my father would be so strict. What is this weird feeling in my chest? Heart burn? No, that would hurt. Was I developing a crush on Natsu? Not a good timing. After all, I am forbidded to see him now. Reminding me of the Fairy Tale I read when I was a child. 

Romeo and Juliet. My strict father overpowering me and not letting me see Natsu again. 

Am I going to end up just as Juliet did? A bad ending?

Natsu P.o.v- 

Lucy's father was stricter than I thought. I was hoping that maybe.. Just maybe he would let me prove myself. You know what, I will call Lucy tonight to see what everything was about. Maybe I was wrong, maybe she just had to eat dinner or something. I'll ask my father for her home phone number. 

Fairy Tail: Cinderella or Juliet? (A NaLu Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now