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"Do you miss home?" A boy with a dirty blonde streaked on his hair asked Harry who's been sitting quietly.

Did he really miss home? He thought to himself but the moment he heard the word "Home", he's not literally thinking of a place but his mind abruptly drift to a smol boy possesing a beautiful and captivating green eyes that seemed to take his breath away everytime he stares into them.

With Louis's arms, he found his home. Anything can be a home. It could be a ceratin place, an object or even a person.
Everyone has their own home and its different for every person. To Harry, Louis is his home ever since the moment he met him and he always has been.

"Yes i miss my home" Harry mumbled quietly, plastering a small smile across his face as he stare to louis's pic through the screen of his phone and wishing he could go back to his home soon, a place where knows he's truly belong.

Larry ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora