First Day

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Delilah P.O.V

I parked my car in the parking lot and turned off the car. I closed my eyes and sighed. 'Today will go good' i said over and over. I had recently moved down to Scranton from New York to work at my uncle's branch. Today is my first day and I am thinking of every possible way for it to go bad. I finally looked in the mirror one last time and nodded. I got out my car, purse and keys in hand, locking the door. I walked over to the door of the building complex and entered seeing a man at the desk by the entrance. I walked up to him and smiled, "good morning, I was wondering what floor Dunder Miflin is on?" He smiled and nodded, "Yes ma'am its on the second floor, last door on the left," I thanked the man and continued on my way to the elevator. I got on, and a strand of my dark brown hair fall out of my bun. I didn't know how to wear my hair and decided to do a professional bun at the bottom. I pulled the strand back, pinning it back in. I got off the elevator and walked down the hall. 'Are the people nice?' I thought. "Negative, they are all imbeciles," i jumped at the sound of someone else. I stopped and turned taking into notice his geeky glasses, mustard color shirt and bulky briefcase. He looked at me funny, "Your Delilah Wallace, I know all about you, nepotism," he yelled and stormed passed me. I watched him storm off and just sighed. "Well that answers my question" i said slowly continuing on to the door. 

I placed my hand on the handle and took a deep breathe, "you can do this, delilah, you can do this." I pulled a smile and nodded walking through the door. I noticed the beautiful red head who was gazing on the computer. I walked up to the desk and she realized i was there. "Welcome to Dunder Miflin, how may i help you?" I nodded. "Yes my name is Delilah, I'm supposed to start working today," i finally got out without vomiting. "EVERYBODY, WE HAVE A CELEBRITY!" I cringed, the infamous Michael Scott. My uncle told me about him, to avoid him at all cost. I turned and pulled a smile, not knowing how to really react to him. He was in a sporty jacket, anybody would of noticed it was in a discount bin. "MICHAEL!! He did it again!" I turned and saw the similar guy from the hallway hold a platter of jello with a stapler. I noticed the guy beside him trying to keep a straight face. He wasnt bad looking, cute actually. "Dwight why would you think i did this?" So his name is Dwight, he dresses like one. "Because Jim, you always do this," Jim.... sounds like my soulmate. "Well i am appalled you would think i would do this," Jim started waving his hands in the air. I started to giggle and he quickly looking at me, his face soften. "Well at least you have lunch Dwight," he darted his eyes toward me and glared. "Michael, why is she even here? She has no right!" I stepped back a bit and put a smile back on. "I apologize, i will go find my desk in the annex," and i turned to walk away. "Here, i will show you the way," i heard just behind me. I smiled at Jim as i followed him. "So why green jello? Why not red?" He laughed and shrugged. His laugh was so sexy. "Well i figured that green is bright and colorful," i nodded and we were at the annex. "So if Dwight gives you a hard time, just put something in jello," he smiled and walked away. Why didn't he just stay forever? I sat down and noticed a lanky guy walk up. "Hello, Im Toby HR, if you have any questions let me kn-" he was cut off by the annoying voice, "TOBY, dont let your ugly and lame self rub off on her! Gosh Toby, go back to your little hole," I watched him sulk away and i felt bad. "So Delilah you will be one of our Customer Service girls. You just answer phones and fill orders," he said pointing to the phone. "I will be in the office, but Kelly is over there and will help you," i nodded and he walked away. Im surprised he didn't stay around longer. I looked around and sighed, this will be a long day.

I had finally listened to the last fashion runway story from Kelly when a bowl of red jello landed on my desk. "So why not green?" I said looking up at the culprit. He smiled, me seeing them pretty white teeth. "Because a beautiful girl asked why jello was green earlier," i laughed and he motioned for me to get up. I smiled and he walked me to the break room. We sat down across from each other and i started to divulge in the jiggly red deliciousness. "So, how's your first day going?" I shrugged looking at my jello. "Dwight and Michael ate a little too much,  but i can manage," he smiled and nodded. " Maybe you can see some of my greatest pranks later on," i nodded quickly, so jumpy. He had the most gleaming smile someone could have. I think i could vacation on those lips. I think he noticed me staring a bit too much because he coughed and i snapped back.  "What did you say?" my face turning a bright red. He still smiled, so considerate of him. "I was asking if anyone has given you the tour?" I shook my head and found that strand falling out again. "No no one has, maybe the prank master himself could give me one?" He stood up and motioned me to follow. "So around here we have a few nice faces, and some... well lets just say your lucky to be in the annex," I couldn't help but snort and then I got the magical laugh again. We went back to the front and stopped at the first cluster. "So this is Stanley and Phyllis." I waved and Phyllis was nice enough to wave back. "Leave while you can," I could barely hear. I nodded and we moved on. "Yeah Stanley isnt the best with people, usually you just let him do his crosswords and move on," I started making mental notes in my head that I will probably forget by tomorrow. We continued to walk around the office and him naming off people that are still just vague faces to me. "So next I can show you the warehouse, where Michael attempts to play basketball," Wow i could go anywhere with this guy. I nodded and proceded to follow. "So did you always wanted to be in sales?" I asked trying to strike up some type of conversation. "No i didn't. I actually wanted to own a bike shop. But one thing led to another and now I am here," a bike shop, that must be cool. We walked through this door and what i presume to be the warehouse. "So this is it, within all its glory." i smiled and nodded. I didnt really care about the warehouse, just wanted to spend some time with Jim. He walked me back to the office and was met with a swarm of people, Stanley leading the pack. "quitting time, gotta go!" Stanley racing to the door. Jim held the door open and we walked back in. "Well I guess it is time to go. Would you like to walk out with me?" I nodded and rushed back to get my bag. I quickly grabbed my bag and walked down with him.

We had just walked out of the building and a SUV pulled up. The passenger window rolled down and a beautiful dirty blonde hair lady smiled, "Hey babe," and smiled at me as well. "Hey hon. Oh Delilah, this is my wife Pam," my heart just sank. I managed to muster a smile. "Hi Pam, so nice to meet you. Your husband spoke a lot about you," which is clearly a lie. "Oh your Davids niece, yeah. Well i hope Jim showed you around and everything," Me trying not to get into my feelings nodded. "Yes he did, well i better go. I have an apartment to unpack. So good to meet you Pam!" She waved goodbye and heard the sexy but beautiful voice again. "Goodbye Delilah, see you tomorrow." yes me too sexy voice, i hope i see you too!


I got into the car and buckled up. "She seems nice," i nodded and smiled. "Yeah she seems to fit in with the group," I said looking out. "So whats for dinner?" I asked as she pulled out of the parking lot. "Whatever your up for picking up, too tired," yeah thats what you said last night, and the night before. "Okay babe," sighing and pulling out my phone. I forgot that I gave Delilah my number. I decided to shoot her a text,


I waited for an answer, but didnt get one. We pulled into the drive at home and I slipped my phone back into my pocket. Maybe I have the wrong number? I would of assumed that she would send a simple 'yes' or something. We walked into the house and Pam went straight to bed. She has been tired lately and distant from me, won't really talk to me. I threw my bag on the floor by the door and kicked off my shoes. I walked into the kitchen and started rummaging through the refrigerator. Deciding my options, my pocket vibrated. I pulled out my phone and a smile creeped on my face when I saw her name.

FROM DELILAH: Hey! Sorry I was driving. Yes i did, thanks for tour had fun :) 

Wow she used a smiley face, okay now I sound like a school girl. I decided to not text her back. I will see her at work. I stood in the kitchen counting the minutes when I would have to go back to work again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2019 ⏰

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