Tuesday chapter 14

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Hey ma twinkle toes today i feel generous so i will make another chapter also u really shpuld check  out the video that i put up u kno :3 u are a pirate

Babushka woke up today same as usuall get dessed visit terrys room
"WAKE UP YOU USLESS LITTLE FISH" babushka screamed
"But wai oni-chan or oni-san i forgot what to call you"terry cried
Babushka as the usual grabbed terry and dragged him to school
"Umm excuse me" a teacher said
"What" babushka replied
"The teadhers have decided that you are not alowed to bring terry to school and pick him up"the teechoo said
"But i can eat with a spoon"terry said
"No one needs your opinion terry i am busy speaking to your sister dont interupt"the teecho said
Terry walked of sobbing babushka got mad and left because babushka is on a tight timetable ofocurse she missed the bus so she had to walk across the park that is behind her bus stop because on the other side there is a sneaky sneaky bus but it is really shady so babushka went across the park looking at the ducks and chikens swimming in the water she finnaly made it onto the bus and there was a bunchof druggies and shit
After that shady bus ride babushka  just made it and she went into form at form ot was ntoihng special just some girl and guy constantly shouting
Then babushka made it to art and saw harry
"Hey i thoguht u werent in" harry smiled
"Ye no i had some trouble with the teachers" babushka said as she sat down
"Did you drag your brother in a violent way again"
Anyways after art it was babushkas time to nove to DT wicb is basically art again she sits with amelia and jessica and they talk about life and stuff after DT it was break so amelia jessica and babuhska made there way to the lunch place were they have break and stuff
"Ugh dave is such a fuck boy" Jessica cried
"Whys that" oliver said while eating a swagsu swagu sandwich wich is not swag because we only eat microwavable chezbugu
"Hes going out with this gurl on instagrandma" jessica cried some more
"Oh by the way amelia when are you having your gymnastic competition?" Harry curiously asked
"After schewl u wanna come watch" amelia smiled
"No sorry" evr1 said
After break it was time for pe they had to run around the whole feild amelia was doing fine because she is very flexible and jessica and babushka were just behinfpd because jessica cant run cuz her boobs are to big and babushka os just unhealthy she eats chebugoo every day meit
Anyways after pe it was rime for lunch everyone took lut there microwavable chezburguuus and ate
After lunch it was time for geography babushka was unlucky because amelia sits next to oliver and babcushka jusy sits next to this looser guy
Aftr geography it was time for babushka to go and sing (dont worry im not the person to literally copy and paste the hole song lyrics from justin beiber sorry or some shit)
But babushka had to sing with her gorup so they sang owe owe oh oh (dont google it it dosnt exist i know u wre getting ready to google that i mean it miht but im to lazy to go and chek)
"Hey hey everybody,
We have something to say,
You me oh oh sparkle,
Are here to brighten the day,
But if u take a look a little peeka you relize
That im just like you and your just me,
Owe owe oh oh oh oh ohhhhh" the group sang this song reallymneeds to be  a thing anyone feel free to sing this and post it on youtube and make it the biggest thing ever
After muaic it was time to go home so babushka zoomed she saw harry standing there probably waiting for her so she just crouched and zoomed right under his legs and ran for the bus once she made ti she relized that terry was sitting infront of the window so babushka grabbed a rock and threw it at the window the window didnt break -_- then babushka opeened the window because she relized it was ooen and grabbed terry and ran home after that adgenture she grabebd a microwavable chezbuguu and gave it to terry then babushka undessed and fell into a delicious hamulischois olichous yurichous yurionicu sleepc

I really think im dying like really im being sufocated by my own nose and now for some god damn reason yhe fleas on my cats are jjmping on me and its not plesant knowing you have some creatures livjng on u ;-;

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