Chapter 1

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This story does not belong to me, I simply want to share it. Credit to the owner and creator.
When Harry felt his mind begin to awaken, he felt his arm grow bitter cold. It made him fidget, quickly pulling it under the duvet with the rest of him and he snuggled up more than he was. A few minutes ticked by however and his mind suddenly clicked that it was Christmas day.

He rolled on to his back and his enormous 9 month pregnant belly created a hill under the duvet, making him chuckle. He rubbed the sides of his swollen self, stretching his legs and realizing his boyfriends were not beside him, explaining why his sides were a little chilly despite the thick duvet.

"Guys?" he called out in hopes someone would hear him, but nothing.

He groaned, kicking the covers of and Goosebumps instantly arose on his skin, and after struggling to sit up he saw the bedroom door jarred open - explaining the coldness because as Louis constantly reminded them, 'If you leave a door open to a room, the heat will escape!'

Harry almost toppled over when he stood up and just as he was about to call out again he felt a mild cramp. It made him flinch, supporting his bump with on hand while the other quickly rested on the side table. It made him bite his lip hard, almost as if someone had pinched the inside of his gut and wasn't letting go so the pain spread. It didn't seem to last very long though, and when it finally faded away Harry straightened up and shook it off, just assuming it was Braxton hicks or something because he had a few last week and that's what Liam said.

"Guys!" he called again when he'd made it to the top of the stairs.

He tied up his blue robe, it hanging loose around his belly and was airy around his legs but it was soft and warm that was all that counted, not the feeling he was wearing a dress. "Guys, hello?" he tried one more time before giving up and very carefully taking the first step down the stairs.

Once he got to eight months, the boys watched Harry like a hawk because without the extra weight he was clumsy enough, and now it seemed his lanky legs might snap with the baby dropping on his pelvis. They insisted he take it easier than he was supposed to the whole pregnancy, practically lay in bed like a numb nothing but he tried to sneak around them. Zayn would be the laziest and often trapped Harry in bed with his hands wrapped around Harry's bump, preventing him from escaping. Liam cooked Harry's meals and was strict about what he put in his body, no unhealthy snacks unless Harry kicked up a major fuss that was dangerous for the baby, then it was Niall's job to calm him down. He'd rest him on the sofa, pet his curly hair and tell the baby old Irish nursery tales. Finally, Louis made sure Harry didn't fall on his own feet, craning him out of chairs or helping him down the stairs.

Harry wasn't surprised Louis was the first to find him half way down the stairs eventually, tongue sticking out and a had cradling his incredibly large self. He sprang into action, darting to Harry's aid and supporting his weight. He placed one of Harry's hands on his shoulder, holding his expanded waist as he then walked slowly and carefully back down the stairs while Harry giggled at how panicked he looked.

"Why didn't you call me?!" Louis said, keeping his hand around Harry as they walked into the kitchen and that's where he found Liam at his station, frying bacon and eggs.

Harry lifted himself onto the counter stall, grunting at how every movement was difficult these days and rubbed his bump.
"I did. I did call for you guys! Zayn wasn't in bed though, where was he?"

"Out with Niall, they're just getting your big present sorted." Harry felt his inner child grow giddy at Liam's words, lighting up like a tree light and jumped back out the chair when he heard the front door.

He ran - or more waddled quickly - toward it and flung the door open, smile spread from ear to ear as the two boys stood out of breath with a large box decorated with shimmering blue wrapping paper, a huge pretty bow sat on top and two boys sweating either side of it: fantastic.

"Mine?!" Harry questioned excitedly, feeling it up as if he could sense what it was with his touch.

Niall kissed him on the cheek, then on the side of his baby bump that was pressed against the box to no fault of his own.
"Indeed Hazz." He said.

"C'mon on Zayn, get it in!" and the older lad scoffed at him, dragging the present in purely to make sweet little Harry happy.

"Go sit it on the sofa!" Harry ordered, rushing to the bathroom. "I'm just gonna go pee!"

"Alright Hazz, don't be long." Liam walked in with his plate in his hand and it looked oh so tempting, with the bright yellow yolk, the crispy bacon, the steaming sausages and the smell danced through the air.

After his bathroom visit, he waited a sec and checked out his reflection in the mirror. Puffy up his main of curls, straightening his tight white pajama top and then when his baby did a big movement he looked down. Harry hadn't seen his toes in months, but he'd miss the expanding belly when it was gone, despite shooting pains in his back and roller coaster mood swings. He cupped the bottom of his belly, and as he was about to waddle back into the living room to be with his boyfriends, the pain returned.

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