Summer Time

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     Summer time. One of Oikawa's favorite seasons of the year. And he sure as hell was excited for this year's summer. Why exactly? His beloved future lover , Iwaizumi , was finally having a pool party that Oikawa was invited. Of course this made Oikaws excited. He giggled as he knocked on the door. Wait a second. Why did he have to knock?

    "IWA-CHAAAAAANNNNN!!", He cheered , busting through the door. He had his swim suit shorts on with a towel wrapped around his neck and a beach ball underneath his arm. He smiled as he trampled through the living room and into Iwaizumi's room. He busted open the door once more , causing Iwaizumi to jump in suprise. "Dumbass don't scare me like that!", Iwaizumi yelled , hugging himself for protection. 

    Oikawa was about to say something annoying until he relized something. Iwaizumi , his crush , was praticaly half naked in front of him. All he had on was his swim suit shorts which inchanted Oikawa. He stood there with the redest face as he examined his friends strong body and mucles. Well , that was until Iwazumi ended up puching him in his gut.

  "So Iwa-chan! Lets go to the pool now! We can play some Marco Polo and we ca-". "Idiot. I have more guests coming over. Just wait", Iwaizumi said. Oikawa just started at Iwaizumi , his expression almost like a lost soul. "Who else is coming iwa-chan..?", he asked. Iwaizumi turned to look at Oikawa , then looked back down at his book. "Some people from Nekoma.", he responded. Oh thank god. As long as it wasn't Kageyama , he was fine with anyone. It could even be Hinata for all he cared.

   Oikawa sighed in boredm as he layed down on Iwa-chan's lap. He was surprised he didn't get kneed in the back of the head , but he was to bored to question it. Iwaizumi just let him do his thing as he texted on his phone. "Who are you texting?", Oikawa asked in a teasing manner. "None of your business trash can.", Iwaizumi grumbled , putting away his phone. Finally , there was a knock at the door.
     "Heyo~.", Kuroo purred as he opened the door with a proud smile plasted on his face. "Sorry to intrude.", said Kenma , following after Kuroo along with Levi. Oikawa jumped up from Iwaizumi's lap and sprented towards the door to the backyard. Everyone gave him a blank stare , that was until Kuroo started laughing his ass off. Then they all decided to follow him.

                      ~~ Le Time skip~~

"Marco~", Kuroo cheered , walking through the water with his eyes closed. Of course , everyone responded with Polo. The group giggled and whispered as they tried huddling in corners , trying to distract the bed head boy. But Oikawa of course , didn't obey the rules. He decided to sit outside of the pool. Iwaizumi was in the bathroom inside the house so he thought he was safe. For now at least.

     "Pooolo~", Oikawa cheered. Kenma tried to warn Kuroo , but Levi quickly coverd his mouth. Then Kenma understood what was going to happen. Oikawa hummed to himself as he continued to watch Kuroo panic to find him. That was until he felt a bad feeling. And soon after that feeling  came , BAM!! Oikawa was kicked in the back of the head , causing him to fall into the pool. "Fish out of water!", he scolded.

   Oikawa finally rose to the surface , a frown on his face. "Iwa-chaann.", he pouted. The whole Nekoma crew laughed there asses off as Iwaizumi scolded Oikawa for the 100th time. And just to make things worse..."hey. Was I late Iwaizumi-senpai?", Kageyama said , walking up to iwa-chan. "...SOMEONE DROWN ME PLEASE!"

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