A Call to Confidence

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We as people nowadays lack confidence. Nowadays all I hear is "I'm too ugly," "I'm too stupid," "I can't do anything right," and various other self-derogatory remarks. Why is this? Because we are lacking in confidence. People feel as if their significant other is too good for them. People feel as if they are too stupid too learn something. People feel as though they are just a worthless member of society. When really we need to just raise each other up.

I was brought to this topic when I told my friends that I was going to play basketball in college. Me, someone who has never played any elementary, middle, or high school basketball. Most friends were supportive of the idea and thought I'd do well, except for one friend who said due to my inexperience no coach would probably accept me. Realizing this thought I felt down and defeated, but my other friends reassured me that it had happened before and they egged me on. Which made me think, why do we tell others that their goals are unachievable?

Why is it that as a child we dream of all these big things but then as we develop we decide no, no we shouldn't be a doctor, or an astronaut or a police officer. Mostly the reason may be because your developing your tastes in certain areas and you realize this job may not be for you. I think however another reason is because we are told we can't. Why do we tell others they can't? Just because we think the limitations of the world are too strong? We shouldn't, some of the most famous people in the world started being told they couldn't do this.

It reminds me of rap actually, Notorious BIG for example, he has a line in his song saying

"Considered a fool cause I dropped outta high school /
Stereotypes of a black male / misunderstood /And it's still all good," now Notorious BIG your thinking
"Oh god some rapper that was acting like a big gang banger and got popular. What's the big deal?" Well within this one line from his hit single Juicy, he talks about how he struggled and now he's at the top of the chain. He lived through hard times but Biggie kept doing what he loved, what he was good at, and it made him become a global superstar. Regardless of the choices he made, like dropping out of high school or selling crack to get by. He did what he had to do to make his dream come true. It may not have been the best route but he kept in pursuit of his dreams, and I think that's what we the people need today.

So, dream on parents, dream on kids, dream on everyone! Next time your son looks at you and says "Daddy/Mommy when I grow up I wanna fix Route 66," you look them in the eyes and say,
"you know what kiddo? You can do whatever you want to do, because you're incredible," so as long as your passionate for what you want you can accomplish anything. No one should ever bog their students/sons/daughters/anyone down. No matter what that persons dreams are lift them up! Motivate them, and allow others to motivate you.

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