Chapter 7

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I decide to go for a nice run around a park.I find my sports bra and yoga pants and get out the house listening to music.

I found a close park so I just worked out there doing pull-ups, push-ups and sit-ups. I just notice for excersice the word 'up' is very common. Wierd, I even thought of that. I hear a baby cry so I turn around and in the further field I see Jay with a little baby in his hand. I jog over there to see if I can help with anything.

"Rory." He says in disbelief. The little girl in his arm looks so adorable. "Need help?" I offer, he nodds his head. I grab the little girl and hold her in a relaxing postion and rock her slightly. "Wow, you're good with babies." He says, smiling. "Who's baby? She's precious." I say, looking at the baby. "Mine, I just found out she's mine." He says, rubbing his face. "Oh." I say, because that seems to be the only word I can process.

"Rory, I don't know anything about raising a child. I'm losing my mind I don't know what to do." I say. "Don't worry, I can help out. Where's her mom?" I ask and he shrugs. "Emily was at my door this morning with no mother." He says. "Oh, well I can still help. That would be so fun!" I say. "Thank you." He says hugging me.

I would have never thought that Jay would be a dad he's only seventeen. I would have thought that Luke would have five children before Jay would have his first. Wow, life changes fast!

"Well, I have to go." I tell Jay. "Bye Baby Emily." I say kissing her on the cheek.


School is back and since it is almost 2014, I'm going to change. Nikki went to a high school in Louisiana, Kate is at a university in Washington and Kate is engaged!

That means I have to find a new group to hang out with. I'm wearing my hair in a high ponytail since it grew out in December. I have purple skinny jeans on and a shirt that says 'Bad' and I have a Bat Man snapback. "Hey, my mom and dad insist you have this." Tristen says handing me the gift. "Thanks." I say, starting to walk to my third period. "Are you coming to my parent's party tonight?" He says. "I'm not even suppose to be around you." I say, looking around in look out of Aaron.

"Rory, what did he tell you?" He whispers. "He didn't say much just that RB is a dangerous gang and you're nothing but trouble." I respond also whispering. "I do admit I'm a RB member, but I wouldn't let anyone hurt you. I like you Aurora, I'm willing to take a risk for you." He says, stopping. "But Aaron is my twin, my bestfriend, my brother and I believe him. When he said you're dangerous, I should've listened." I say looking into his eyes. "Then what are we?" He askes, I chuckle and smirk. "Nothing." I say walking into my class.


Tristen: meet me @ the library lunch time


Tristen:come on, I need to show u something

Me: fine.

Tristen: c u later then

What a douche! He thinks he can take me back, Hello! He's in a gang, a gang if my aunt found out that I've been bringing a gang member I wont hear the last of it.

"Miss Mitchell!" Mr. Reed says, I jump up in my seat. "Yes." I say, looking at him. "Phone. Now." He says, I get up and slowly give him my phone. "Detention after school." He says, I sink into my seat. "Fuck my life." I say under my breath.



I get out the class and sneak my way to the abanded library. When I enter it, I have to admit it was scary. Only because it was dark and cold. "Rory." I hear Tristen whisper by a book of selves, I walk towards it. "What is so important that I'm missing my lunch?" I ask him. "This." He says, stroking my cheek and then kissing me. I kiss him back, messing his hair up with my hand.

He lifts my left leg up, while I rub the back of his neck. "Aurora?" I hear someone that sounds like Aaron. Tristen nibbles on my bottom lip and then we sit down avoiding any attention. We hear the door close and we are pretty positive he left. "What are you doing after school?" Tristen says, kissing me. "Uh, detention." I say. "I guess if I want to spend time with you I gotta get detention too." He says, I lay down on my belly. "And how do you plan on doing that?" I ask him. "We're doing something that is going to get me into detention. I guess I just have to make noise or shatter a window." He says. "Shatter a window." I say, giving him a rock out of my backpack. "Why do you have a rock in your bag?" He askes, I laugh.

"I also have a pocket knife, pepper spray and a spray can." I say, he grabs the rock and throws it at the window close to the principal's office. "Hide over there." He says, pointing to a desk by a corner. I do as told and the door opens. The principal found Tristen and started yelling at him. "Mister Rodriguez and Miss Mitchell please follow me." Mrs.Edward says.

How did she even see me?!!!! I was hiding perfectly close to the corner and a trash bin was covering me!

I walk close to Tristen, he winks at me. I fake a smile. When we get into Mrs.Edward's office she walks out for a second. "I guess we'll be spending our afternoon together." He says. "Your plan failed, I will get a second detention and then my aunt will know. Most importantly, I will get grounded." I say, moving the hair out of my face by ruffling it out with my hand. "But you dont need to be alone, in your room." He says. "What do you mean?" I ask him. "I sneak into your bedroom and we spend time together." He says, kissing me.

The door opens and we separate. "You two are dismissed from my office, but after school in Mr.Reed's class." She says. "Why not your office?" Tristen askes. "Because Mr.Patterson is taking me on a date." She says, I fake gag. "Eww, the science teacher? You can do so much better, how about the conselor? He's kinda hot." I say. "Interesting, off you two go." She says, shooing us away.

As we walk back to classTristen pushes me softly on a locker. He puts his arms over my head and I smirk at him. "You know it's not cool to say that the school conselor is hot in front of your boyfriend." He says, I laugh. "Is that what you are? My boyfriend?" I say. "Aurora, we just kissed and got detention to spend time with each other." He says. "Fine, whatever. Just know that this relationship is private, only to be known between us." I say and he nodds.

He kisses me goodbye and we head to our next class.


"Alright the rules are no talking, eating, drinking, vandalising, escaping, kissing, hugging, or any other thing basicly. I'm going to the mall to get a dress for my daughter's dance." Mr.Reed says, leaving the room.

"So, want to continue what we started in the library?" Tristen askes, leaning in his chair. "You're such a flirt." I chuckle. "Yeah, I am but some people call me the girl whisperer." He says, slowly getting out of his chair and making his way towards me.


I start kissing Aurora and I feel her smiling on my lips. I nibble pn her bottom lip and then pull away, with her smiling.

"You free tonight?" I ask her, sitting back in my chair. "Yeah, I guess. I have to see first. Why?" She says. "Cause I was planning on taking you out on your first date." I say, she rolls her eyes. "How do you know it's my first date?" She askes me smirking. "Would you like to share?" I say. "His name was Mr.Beary." She says, I burst into hysterical laughter. "I was five Tristen, I was five. So shut up." She says, blushing.


I hope you guys had some special holidays! If you haven't already read Life Outide The Pitch, go read it!!!!!!

I love all of you guys, have fun and stay you! <3

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