My Christopher. (a true story)

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Helloooo:)))) this is my story. I am currently still friends with christopherrr. I felt the urge to share my story with the world. I just think it needs to be told. and i need to tell people!!! i just need to. If he finds this post....idk what he'll think.....that would just be totally awkward. hahahahahah well, here's my story. true, and still going on. <3 thanks for reading. ~kissmelonely 


                Have you ever fallen in love with someone you’ve never met? I didn’t think it was possible. Without being close to them, touching them, and simply just feeling each other close should create a more in depth relationship. That is definitely a fact. But, when it comes to actually experiencing social networking and internet chat, my ideas have slowly grown to be different.

                It all started this last summer: summer of 2011. I heard of an internet website called Chatroulette. For all of you who’ve never heard of, it’s pretty much a website where you video chat strangers. I know, it sounds totally wrong… well when you open it up, you’re sitting there “face to face” with a random person from around the world. You can “next”, or skip, them and it will pair you up with another stranger, leaving the other person forever. Boom, all connection lost. It’s pretty much the same thing as Omegle.

                Well, to me, Chatroulette sounded super fun. As I was on it, I met TONS of people, forgot who they were, and just kept clicking “next”, meeting person after person. I can’t recommend this website, because sometimes it can get wildly inappropriate. There are sick people out there. So I skipped the creeps, and stayed safe. But anyways… I don’t know why, but I found this website extremely entertaining. I spent hour after hour talking to people on my summer nights till 3 a.m. usually. I could easily say that I had gotten completely and utterly addicted to Just because I liked talking to strangers.

                It’s actually kind of strange, this whole system. One time, I was paired up with a guy who used to live in England, currently in North Carolina, and we talked and laughed for over 3 hours, simply getting to know each other. Then once we got SUPER tired, we simply said our goodbyes, and left each other with nothing. No way to contact each other. Just Boom. Gone. It seems totally strange and crazy, but hey, it’s just how it went down!

                Anyways, back to my story. So one night I got on Chatroulette expecting another bunch of random conversations, when I stumbled upon Chris.  I met Christian on When I first met him, he was just a random stranger. We weren’t talking, just typing to each other. I really enjoyed talking to him. He’s a nut for computers, and is insanely into animals. He works part time at a veterinary clinic 3 times a week, and currently owns 8 birds, 6 guinea pigs, 2 dogs, and a whole coup of chickens.

                Chris lives in the Caribbean. Yeah. Like totally far away. Even though we’re so separate, I got to know him, and he got to know me. We talked and talked for the longest time that night, just about school, family, and we even got into religion. It finally got to the point where I had to go to bed, since it was 3 a.m., so he gave me his Skype.

                The very next night, we talked again, but this time on Skype. We talked and talked, sharing secrets we never told anyone, we laughed… I feel like I could tell Chris anything. He couldn’t tell anybody that it would matter to, because he lived so far away. He felt the EXACT same way about me too. I think it’s easy to say that Chris and I know a DAMN LOT about each other.

                I have known Chris for almost a year now. We talk daily! STILL! And it’s now 2012, and almost summer. Just yesterday, I was talking to him like I’ve known him for decades.

                So, back to my question: Have you ever fallen in love with someone you’ve never met? Chris is one of the sweetest, funniest, most original guys I know. He always puts the woman first, and trusts me like no one else has ever trusted me. And that is so crazy! CAUSE WE’VE NEVER EVEN TOUCHED EACHOTHER. It’s quite incredible. :)

                Whenever Chris tells me I’m beautiful, which he does, my heart soars. I feel like I’m in a movie, where the guy is the girl’s best friend, and they end up falling in love. A couple of weeks ago, Chris and I were IM-ing each other. He told me this, “I never thought it was possible to fall in love with someone via internet, but Chloe, I think it’s happening.” I believe that I, Chloe Mathis, am falling in love with Christian.

                Yesterday, we had this conversation exactly:

                                Chris: Chloe, I would love for you to be my girlfriend. :)

Me: Chris, if I  lived where you do, I would absolutely love to be your girlfriend.

Chris: Really? :o

Me: Yeah! DUH, silly! :P

Chris: Chloe, if you were my girlfriend, I would treat you so well. I would get you    anything you needed. I would snuggle if you wanted….Chloe I would love to snuggle with you right now.

I mean, like, WOW. At this point, I’m giggling like an idiot who’s in love, my face turning warm and pink. My stomach is filled with butterflies.

                I can easily say that during my days of the week, every week, every day, since summer, Chris is truly on my mind 93% of the time. Whenever I hear the song “Wait For Love” by Matt White, I think of my Christopher. :) His real name is Christian, but I call him Christopher. I love the name Christopher. When I asked him if I could call him Christopher, he said, “Sure, I’ll be your Christopher, Chloe<3.” My Christopher. Mine. <3 <3 <3

                Then, my story comes to this: Try being in love with someone you’ve never met…With someone you’ve never hugged, felt, seen in person…Do you know how AWFUL and how HARD it is?! All I have is IM messaging and Skype. That’s it. Sometimes, I literally just lay in bet, and think about him. I can sometimes feel his warm, strong body cuddling up next to mine, telling me everything is going to be alright….but it’s all in my head. It’s not real. This fantasy plays in my head constantly. I think about him all the time. ANDDDD  I can’t tell anyone either! If my mom knew I met a guy over, she’d be so pissed. It’s horrible. I’ve only told one person: one of my closest friends.

                Chris always tells me how meeting me is on his bucket list. He says he MUST meet me before he dies. I feel obligated to that too. I must meet my Christopher.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Feb 12, 2012 ⏰

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