Things:P/Chapter 1

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Hello everyone! So, this is my first book. I do hope you all enjoy the first chapter. Well, as you can see, my character Broken is in this story. So, let me say how he looks and acts, so you guys know.
Broken aka Bx: He has a dark navy blue sweatshirt on with black jeans and black vans. He has cracks on his whole body and has similar cracks on his face like Gaster. He has only one pupil which is in his right eye and has only half a soul. He's about 5'5 and is 24 years old.
I'll talk about the other characters later on, when I also write about them in here. Anyways, enjoy the first chapter

Broken's POV

I continued to walk down the same road I walked down everyday. Everything was the same as ever, leaves fell from the trees and snow continued to fall to the ground. I looked around to see if anyone was following me, no one was and so, I stopped. I checked once more, before I snapped my fingers and a portal appeared in front of me. I walked through and went to a whole different place, a whole different AU. I snapped my fingers again and the portal disappeared, I started to walk. As I walked, I heard a noise and immediately stopped.
" Who's there? Dust? Is that you? " I said, but no one replied. I didn't move, then I started to walk after a few minutes. I walked for about 5 or 10 minutes and I heard something again. Before I could say anything, someone grabbed my shoulders and yelled " Boo! ". I yelled from being surprised and scared, I quickly turned around and saw one of my old friends, Dust.
" ha! You should have seen the look on your face! " Said Dust, who continued to laugh.
" I've told you not to do that! Geez! " I yelled at Dust. Dust slowly stopped laughing.
" Sorry, must have forgot. Won't happen again..maybe " replied Dust, who was now smirking.
" Urg..." I groaned and started to walk again. Dust started to follow me and asked me a few things such as how I was and how were things going. We probably walked for maybe half an hour and just talked, it started to get dark. I yawned softly and rubbed my eyes.
" Tired? " Asked Dust, as he looked at me.
" Yeah..I haven't been getting good sleep after the past days so..." I replied and walked over to a tree, I sat down.
Dust walked over to me and sat down next to me.
" Well, maybe you should just sleep.." Said Dust, who yawned slightly.
" Okay..Well, see ya in the morning.." I said, as I slowly started to fall asleep. My eyes slowly closed and I slipped into backness.

Well, I hope everyone enjoyed this first chapter. It's not the best, but it's something so. Tell me if I should do a next chapter👍

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