2: Reflection

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Aiko opened her light green eyes slowly, still in sleep's arms, and sighed as she saw her digital clock face read 7:30 in bright red numbers. She slowly rolled over and stared at the wall next to her bed. Following the webbed cracks with her eyes, she traced them across the wall until they gradually faded, back into the plaster; from where they'd come.

Her eyes cycled back and forth, the cracks taking her slowly... back to the world of darkness... around, and 'round and 'round and...


Her eyes shot open as she heard a drunken scream come from downstairs; her father was home. Quickly sliding out from underneath the covers, Aiko wiggled her toes before carefully placing them on the rough concrete floor. Her long black hair tumbled down to her side as she stood up, still dazed by her rude awakening. 

Making her way across her shabby room, she stopped as she suddenly caught a glimpse of a reflection flash briefly in the mirror. Turning around cautiously, she inched her way back towards the mirror until she saw herself staring back. 

Looking upon a pale white face with contrasting long, black hair and solemn, unmoving green eyes, she wondered what had caught her attention. 


Aiko froze as she heard a faint noise from the corner of the room. Balancing on the balls of her feet, she waited for it again, listening intently. But whatever had made the scuffle had silenced as if it knew it had been detected. 

Aiko turned around slowly; if whatever made the sound was not going to reveal itself, then she would be the one to reveal it. A loud smash came from downstairs, followed by another yell, "Aiiiii-koooooo!" 

The dark-haired girl felt a small shudder ripple down her body - but ignored the sound. Instead, she crept closer to the source of the sound: a dilapidated closet that sat in the corner of the room. 

The singular, badly placed light bulb on the wall behind the closet buzzed and flickered as Aiko entered the closet's long, dark shadow. Raising her hands into a defensive stance, Aiko came to a stop before the closet, listening closely once more. The closet sat crookedly on its rotting legs; not a sound to be heard. 

Aiko slowly lowered her now quivering hands, realising that she must have just imagined the noise - she had only just woken up, after all. Not taking her gaze off the closet, she eventually convinced herself to take a quick peek inside, just in case there really was something in there.

"This is crazy..."

Aiko brought her hand up to rest on the rusty closet door handle, giving it a quick twist before she could talk herself out of it.

With an eerie screech from the hinges, the splintered mahogany door swung open to reveal a...


heyyyoooo people - been wanting to practise some writing for a competition thingy lately, so that's what this book is basically for. I'll probably continue with it if it gets interesting, as well as try to update The Mashup a bit more :)

well, enjoy this short chapter thingy until something else comes out :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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