[ 5 ] What Happened to Chase?!

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What Happened to Chase?!


I woke up to a bright light, feeling a light blanket draped over me. I groaned as I pulled the blanket over my head, hating that I felt so weak. I frowned as I felt something wrap tighter around my waist, my eyes shooting open as I was pulled closer into something... Or someone. I slowly turned my head around to see I was currently wrapped in the arms of the one and only, Chase Davenport. I rolled my eyes, but stayed where I was. I honestly didn't have the energy to wake him. Plus, I was pretty sure it would tick the other guys off to know that Chase had stayed with me all last night.

I held back a smile as Chase squeezed his eyes tighter together. He was waking up. I flipped over and stared straight at him as his eyes slowly opened. He smiled slightly before he pulled me even closer. I giggled into his chest as he slowly breathed out and closed his eyes again.

"Is my arm okay?" I whispered, the thought suddenly hitting me again as I noticed the gauze on my arm. Chase smiled slightly as his eyes opened again. I hated how at ease I felt to be in his arms. I wasn't exactly complaining yesterday when I asked why he always had his arm around me. I liked it, which was the most brutally honest thought I had ever had.

"Why don't you tell me. It's your arm." Chase muttered quietly as he pushed his face into the crook of my neck. I felt my chest stop moving as he stayed right there.

"But I was knocked out after you took me to the nurse." I pointed out shakily. I hated the effect he had on me. I could feel him smile into my neck before I could feel his lips right against my ear.

"Does it hurt?" He whispered. I shook my head, knowing he was too distracting for me to even try and tell if my arm was bothering me.

"No. I don't think so." I stated before trying to pull away.

"Don't." Chase whispered as he tightened his grip around me. I nodded as he pulled my head into him to lean against his chest. His chin rested lovingly on top of my head.

"What about training?" I asked, thinking this would get him up. I had always thought that if I had a boyfriend, he would be straight forward with me, telling me how he felt the instant we met. Then everything would be simple. Chase was anything but simple. I still had to find out where he got that scar from.

"Alright. I'll be back to escort you to the arena." Chase said, dropping me from his grip and leaving me, feeling empty on the couch. I frowned as he stopped just at the door. "See you in a minute-"

"Wait!" I called, jumping up off the couch. Chase spun around to face me, the hopefulness written all over his face.


"How did you know I didn't like to sleep in my capsule?" I asked, knowing there had to be some other reason as to why we were on the couch. Chase smiled shyly as he looked down at his feet. He sighed before looking up to me.

"I thought it would be more awkward to have the two of us in your capsule." Chase answered simply. I smiled at he thought of him and I once again. "I couldn't leave you alone after what happened." Chase finished before walking out of my room. I couldn't hold back my smile as I walked over to my capsule to change. I walked back out wearing my bright pink boots, skinny jeans, and a maroon tank top. I made my way over to the door and walked out into the strangely empty hallway, then, I realized everyone else was in class. I was all for these stupid games now that I knew it would get us out of class. I sighed and messaged Chase quickly.

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