Chapter Fifteen: Jenifer's Find

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Both girls having quite good stamina; they had managed to outrun Miss Brightlight by the time they'd reached the main road.

Without stopping for a rest they dashed across and began to recognise where they were.

"I know this place," said Jenifer. "It's somewhere near the school bus stop. There, look!"

The yellow school bus had just pulled up and 100 or so seniors were flooding out of it!

"Quick, run or we'll be trampled!" Jane screamed.

And without hesitation they charged out of the way.

"Hey guys where were you?!" Tom and Nikola called with a wave. Jenifer noticed that they were holding hands.

"We'll explain later!" Jenifer shouted back, still running and not looking back. "We have to escape right now!"

At that moment, Miss Brightlight came puffing and panting out of a nearby hedge, looking a complete mess.

The class burst out laughing and pointed and even the bus driver hid his grin behind his hand.

The teacher looked about wildly, picked up her skirts from trailing round her ankles; and ran after the two girls.

"They must have escaped detention," said Tom with a knowing look.

"But I didn't see Jenifer or Jane or Miss Brightlight all day at school," said Nikola, slightly puzzled. "Now I come to think of it; none of them have turned up at the building for days. Something fishy is going on here."

"Like the fish and chips shop around the corner?!" said Tom greedily "C'mon, let's go get dinner!"


Meanwhile, Jane and Jenifer were starting to get tired. They had been running at top speed for over twenty minutes. But they were almost there!

"There it is!" Jenifer said, pointing towards the dirty, smelly old building. "Just a few more yards to go!"

They skidded round a bend, into the car park and hurtled towards the shabby front door. After beating the doorbell with their fists; they entered and ran down the familiar long corridors until they reached the hole in the wall where they had fallen the last time they'd been inside the building.

Grasping each other's hands tightly they jumped, this time landing in a controlled manor and managing to dive out of sight before Miss Brightlight followed them through the doors.

"Which room did it say on the note again Jenifer?" Jane asked as they crawled along the ridiculously narrow passageway.

"I can't remember, let me find it," Jenifer said, stopping for a minute and reaching into her pocket. "It says the biggest test room. How on earth are we supposed to find that?"

"There was a boy!" said Jane excitedly. "I met him in this tunnel last time we split up to search. Gregory something he was called. Anyway he said he'd just escaped from the big test room to me and warned me not to go in there. I know which room it is now, follow me!"

So Jenifer crawled after Jane, taking the other route this time to the one she had followed previously. There was a steep upward climb here but the top of the passage was higher, so there was no need to crawl absurdly.

Eventually they reached a drop off point of about 5 feet which they slid off easily.

They landed in what looked like a small, square storage room. There were shelves all around them covered in books and boxes and there was a peeling green door at one side.

They walked to it and turned the handle. It was locked. And from the outside too.

Jenifer swore.

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