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No-ones ever alone. You may feel it but people care even if it doesnt seem like it. If people tell you any different, they are not worth your time or your tears. Everyday may seem like a night mare and you dread every single second and minute of it but in time you will end up loving this world. Theres always a light at the end of the tunnel for everyone, you just have to take the right path in life. The key to staying strong is believeing in yourself that you can stay strong, that you don't need to prove anything to anyone. Believe in yourself and no-one will stop you doing anything, you'll be strong. If you hate waking up every morning knowing that when you get to school you're going to be made fun of or beaten up the thing to do is tell someone or believe in yourself that you can stick up for yourself. What keeps me strong is knowing that I have friends I can tell anything but if you don't have friends you can trust, trust an adult. They will always help and always be there when things get tough. They can make the light at the end of the tunnel even brighter and make your life worth living. Many people take the root of self harm because maybe there friends do it so they think its ok, well its not. At the time it might seem like a great idea to get rid of the stress by cutting into the skin but itisnt, it will just scar you physically ans scars you mentally for life. Self harm is maybe there like your friend, something that takes the pain away, something that makes everything go. Self harm lets off toxins that make your body feel like its relaxing and then your body and yourself get addicted to the pain going. Look at it this way, if somethings effecting you and makes you upset why hurt yourself even more by self harming. It might seem like your only option but its not why not try writing your problems down or drawing what you feel. Just one cut of the skin scars you for life. The worst issue in our society today is that 'self harm' is now main stream? People self harm for a reason not just to follow the crowd. People that self harm for attention is wrong in my opinion. "Dont cut your skin like its a piece of paper", listen to that quote and really think about it hard.

My biggest mistake in my life was that i always compaired my life to others and that got me no where.

Suicide. In school i had a few friends thay thought it was funny to make suicide jokes? Its not even funny.... Do you find it funny when that girl you called 'fat, ugly and a the names under the sun commited suicide because of what you did. One harsh word can mean one last second left of there life that they have hated and cant wait to leave their life to be free from all the hatred and horror they wake up too.

What gets om my nerves is when people self harm over a silly little argument with their parents. Self harm is a serious matter and no one should feel that low that they need to self harm, starve themselves or sick up your food. Ignore the haters and carry on your life without them. Remember, what doesnt kill you makes you stronger. Never ever start self harming because it gets addictive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2014 ⏰

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