First and Last chapter (this is a one shot)

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Disclaimer: I do not own Rise of the Guardians or Frozen and this story were set at the scene where Elsa is running away, just a little before she sang let it go

"I'm alone, but no one was with me anyway, I'm free, that is probably what I really was asking for, didn't I" said a young lady

"You sure you are alone? You sure no one was with you? Sure you are free, but it is what you are looking for?" said a voice

"LEAVE ME ALONE" said the young lady

"Elsa! Stop! Stop rejecting everything that coming to you for your own goods!" said the voice

"You are just voice in my head!" said the young lady, Elsa

"I'm not just a voice in your head, Elsa, I'm your guardian, I'm always with you, all you need is to believe, then you will see me" said the voice

"Believe?" she smirked

"Yes! Believe, that's all you need to do" said the voice happily, a smile is hearable even if he is not visible

"What can believing do? Nothing! All these years I have been on my own, believing help me nothing but to be disappointed even more! To make me feel shallower than I already am! No matter who you are, leave me ALONE" said Elsa, angrily.

Young lady ran away from the creepiness, at one point, there was a group of cold wind, for the first time in forever, the cold is bothering her.

'What is this?" she asked herself

"It's me, it is the spirit of winter, it is me, and you know me, don't you. The question is do you remember me?" said the voice

'Spirit of winter, nah no way he is Jack Frost, c'mon he doesn't even exist Elsa, pull yourself together' Elsa thought

"You will never believe me or believe in me will you?" said the voice

"Why would I do such a thing" she said

"Because you just walk through me, my cold wind will bother you, I think it worked, that's why you paused, wasn't it" said the voice

"Stop please, I'm begging you, stop torturing me, this is getting scarier, more and more" Elsa said, closing her eyes in fear, a small storm starting to form around both of them

"Elsa, just believe in me, once more, like you used to when you were little, then we will go through this together" said the voice, warmly and calmly

"I can't control the curse!"

"We'll go through this together"

"Stop you only make it WORSE"

"Just believe in spirit of winter"

"There is so much fear"

"For the first time in forever"

"No one is safe here"

"I'll be right here"

Elsa slowly opened her eyes, believing in the spirit of winter, Jack Frost for one last time. And he was there, Jack Frost, not an cosplays person, but the real Jack Frost.

"Jack Frost?" asked Elsa

"Yes, now you see me, I told you, just believe in me" answered Jack

"But, but, why are you here, am I that important?"

"Yes, yes, you are very important, every time a boy or a girl get the Rise of Guardians book, one guardian will be addressed to be his or her guardian, and that person will have a special power, in his or her way, it might be, the power to lighten up people or a power like yours, in your case, I'm here, I'm your guardian, I'm here to guide, to teach and to protect you, from whatever you want me to" he said with a warm smile

"Thank you" Jack said

"Why are you thanking me, I'm suppose to be the one who thank you for everything" said Elsa, confusingly

"Thank you for believing in me again"



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