My Best Fren

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(Okay, So this is my first story. I'm really Excited to write
...Type This. Especially cause today is November 30 and Tyler's Birthday is Tomorrow ANYWAYS. I hope you enjoy my story. Stay Alive |-/)

*Josh's P.O.V*
-phone Vibrating
Deb: Josh, I want your Damn Drums out of my house by tomorrow.

I don't understand what I did to her, I think she was cheating on me the whole time.
What Did I do to deserve This?
I was always good to Debby.
I felt like getting drunk and letting my pain slip away.
She was all I had, now what will I do?
I got up and when to the fridge_
The shelves of the pantry...
A bottle almost full with black lettering spelling out
Jack Daniels.
It wasn't the first choice I would have made, but alcohol is alcohol.
I started to drink as I went to my room to sit.
I looked around my new bedroom, it wasn't very small. But it wasn't big either.
After a while I started getting extremely dizzy.
Now the anger was racing through me. I threw the bottle, smashing it into the wall, dropping to the floor and crying
I just laid there and cried... Then I passed out.

(13 Years Ago)*Still Josh's P.O.V*
I seen the forest, a treehouse had stood tall and proud in the trees, up the ladder was two boys, One with a Ukulele in his hands and Josh,as his younger self, sitting there laughing and talking.
"Josh, promise me something-
Even when we are older, still be my best frien-"
"Hey, we will always...*Touching the boy on the shoulder*Always..
Be Best Friends Ty..."
Josh sat up in awe.

(I'm so Sorry This is Short, I'm typing during school hours so yeah. But so far I hope it's alright, |-/)

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