Chapter 38 No Choice

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(Maggies POV) 

"Well, that was a bust." I wrapped my arm around Peters as we made our way to the throne room. 

"How'd it go?" Lucy asked, making her way from Susan and  Caspian to us the second we entered the room. 

I watched as Peter glanced to his oldest sister, who only shook her head in slight defeat. I sighed, my shoulders sagging a bit as Peter wrapped an arm around me. I glanced up as Emmy and Edmund made their way into the room with us, plopping down on the steps beside us. 

"So it seems none of the allies know anything." Caspian spoke somewhat quietly.

"Or if they do they arent talking." Susan replied.

"No need to whisper." Trumpkin snapped at us all. "They all know now."

"No need to be so rude." Lucy spoke lowly to Trumpkin who looked down at his hands that were clasped together in his lap with a grunt.

"No Lu," Peter started. "He's right. If none of them are claiming to know anything, there will be talk. We might have just started something we dont need right now."

"Like what?" I asked, looking up at my husband.

"Its safe to assume one of us did question the traitor, and we've just sent him or her back into a room with all of our allies." Edmund sighed.

 "There will be questions circulating amongst them, and we've given our traitor the perfect time to fill their heads with the witches words." Peter added on.

"So what do we do now?" Susan asked.

"Guys." Emmy spoke suddenly, causing us all to look up.

 In the doorway stood a very nervous looking Red. She twirled her hands around and around each other, shifting her weight from left to right every few seconds. For the first time since meeting the mysterious girl, she seemed less than fearless, that seamless facade she placed around herself tearing apart in front of our eyes.

"Red."Emmy rose to her feet, approaching the girl slowly, her hand outstretched slightly. "Is everything okay?"

"You asked me if I knew anything about the traitor." She focused her eyes on her feet as she spoke. "I told you I didnt, but I lied."

"What do you know?" Edmund rose to his feet as well.

"I know that they didnt have a choice. They were forced into helping the witches because they had something so terrible hanging over their head that they had to do whatever the witches said. I know they didnt want to betray everyone. They wanted, for once in their life, to do something good, and it got thrown back in their face."

"Red-" Emmy started, getting cut off.

"And I know who they are."

We glanced around at each other before Peter spoke slowly to the girl. "Red, who is it?"

"Its me."

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