Your baby (Ethan)

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"Are you getting fat?" Ethan asked feeling your belly. Were you offended? No. You are so close it does not matter.

"Yeah I don't know it's strange, almost as if I was-"

"Pregnant" Ethan gasped scared

You suddenly felt fear come over you, a tightening feeling took over your chest. Could you be? You travelled back to 4 weeks ago when you and Ethan first did it, and you hadn't used protection 'I'll pull out don't worry' he had told you.


You sat nervously in the bathroom, pulling the test from underneath you. Your eyes widened at the sight. It's positive! You were pregnant! You felt a rush of fear, yet a rush of excitement.

"Ethan!" You yelled from the bathroom "get in here"

10 seconds later, Ethan appeared by the bathroom door. Your eyes stung with tears "what is it, y/n?"

You gave him a wide grin "I'm pregnant!"

You pulled your shirt up, smiling into the mirror as you inspected your round belly

Ethan however had a slightly different reaction, his face dropped, a sense of fear came over him "WHAT" he yelled scaring you

"E-Ethan I think a baby would be amazing!"

"I'm not READY for this!"

"Ethan I'm sorry but it's not my fault, I know we should've used protection but-"

"No- no I can't do this y/n UGH WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN!"

You put your hand on his arm to calm him down but he shook you off "Ethan there's nothing I can do, and I kind of want a baby anyway-"

"Maybe you could get an abortion"

You stepped back "no way Ethan I can't do that"

"Then I'm done. I'M DONE!"

Tears made their way down your face. Ethan stormed out, slamming the door behind him, never returning. Leaving you broken hearted


4 years later
"Arielle, ARIELLE come" you laughed chasing your 3 year old daughter round the living room. You grabbed her tiny hand and pulled her into you, giving her loads of tiny kisses, she giggled showing her beautiful smile. Her eyes were huge and Amber, along with luscious long lashes, she had a tiny button nose and little freckles dotted around her cheekbones. Her hair was very long for a toddler and light brown. She reminded you so much of Ethan, she even had a little birthmark in the same place as his. Ethan. Thinking of him would shatter your heart once again

"Come on baby girl we're going to the park" you shook away the thought, finishing buttoning up Arielle's cute jumpsuit. You put some boots on her feet and a woolly hat on her head


"Arielle look at the ducks!" You beamed in your baby voice. You held your baby girl on your side, bouncing her slightly as she held her arm out at the ducks

You kissed her cheek "Do you want to go to the swings Arielle?"

She nodded her head, clapping her hands. You stepped away from the pond only to bump into a familiar boy. Ethan. Ethan Dolan was standing right in front of you. Shock smothering his face.

"Y-y/n oh my gosh!"


He started into your eyes then down to Arielle

"Is that- is that the baby?"

You looked down at your daughter who was staring at him

"Yeah. This is Arielle"

"She's gorgeous" Ethan held his hands out "may I?" You smiled at Ethan and passed Arielle over to him "She's so cute!"

"Say hi to daddy, Arielle!" You caressed her cheek as Ethan held your smiling baby in his arms

She waved shyly at him, showing her dimples "hi daddy"

Ethan had tears in his eyes "I really, really miss you, y/n. I am so sorry for leaving you" he beamed. Ethan broke your heart, and left you alone with a baby, but all you wanted was to get him back in your life.

You looked down at your feet "I miss you too, Ethan"

"I would be more than happy to come back and help you with Arielle. She needs a dad who's always there for her"

You saw Arielle laying back in his arms, she loved him, you could tell "Of course, Ethan"

You took Arielle back from his arms and you continued to take a stroll round the park with your boyfriend and daughter.

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