Fraction Chapter 26 - Regenesis

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Long ago, there existed a person who wanted to remove all the barriers around her. The barrier of her weakness. The barrier of her race. The barrier of her sex. The barrier of her existence as a human. Everyone around her told her that she was abnormal for thinking such thoughts. They told her she was abnormal for thinking she could write her own story. Everyone relied so much on others to write their story for them that they forgot how to hold their own pen. She was different. They told her she was abnormal for not having faith in the divine creator of the universe. I don't know about all that... but I definitely had faith in her. I had faith she would grow. Grow, she did. Ripping through all the hate and fear of her fellow people, she grew and reached me. With a peerless intelligence, fuelled by millennia of science and knowledge, she had climbed all the way up the mountain. There, as I sat and wrote her story, she stood and stared at me. For all her knowledge, she did not know how to respond to what sat before her. Wait. I think it's about time I stopped writing in circles.

Kelly Star opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. She pulled off the bed sheet that covered her and sat up. Almost immediately, her clock began buzzing. "Ha..." she said as she pressed a button on it, "It's almost as if I know exactly when to wake up." She got up and walked to her bathroom. We shall now strategically turn our attention to a small ant crawling across the bathroom window sill. It crawls across the window sill, its feelers picking up on pheromones left behind by other ants and even the slightest scent of edible matter. It suddenly feels a dangerous presence. It moves out of the way just in time to escape a splash of water. This was not a good day for the ant. With no food in sight, he continues on the pheromone path. Our next item of concern will be a cat. He lays still in the grass, waiting for the unwitting rat to come just a little bit closer... closer... POUNCE! CHASE! CLAW! BITE! BLOOD! FOOD! Um... what other things do cats shout in their heads while hunting? Never mind... He now proceeds to gobble on the carcass. Head first. His powerful jaws crunch down on the skull. With two, well-placed crunches, the skulls cracks like hard candy. Down, down, down the gullet it goes. Soon, the body of the rat has been thoroughly chewed and swallowed, tail and all. Now that this grim spectacle is over, let us turn our sights to one of nature's more beautiful gifts. No. I am not referring to the woman who is currently taking a bath... though she does fall under that category- wait, she is done. Wrapped in a towel, she walked out.

"Good to see you, Miss Kelly." The old man in the white coat said. Kelly smiled at him as she walked through the corridor of the giant building. Suddenly, the building shook. Alarms began wailing. Men in pitch black suits carrying giant guns scrambled into a pattern and moved with haste, to hold back the threat. "Protect the subject!" their leader shouted at them, "Our only job today is to make sure she survives the night!" They men silently followed him to the outer level of the building. "Level 3 threat." A mechanical voice echoed through the hall, "Shall I neutralize with minimal casualties?" Kelly closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "TOTAL ANNIHILATION!" she shouted, "This is my limit. We cannot let those fools destroy our final hope. All of our countless sacrifices must not go in vain! Erase them from the area! I want a clean slate!" There was a loud beep. "Orders received. Proceeding execution." The mechanical voice replied. The old man ran to Kelly and grasped her shoulder. "No!" he shouted, "Kelly, please! We cannot harm them! They-" he stopped short. He had seen that look on her face once before. Once. "This is the last day." She said calmly, "It does not matter if they live or die. After all, I will be rebuilding this whole system if we succeed. We've been holding back all these years because the Government ordered us to comply with their faiths... but NO MORE! Now that the Government has decided to sacrifice us for their vote bank, we are no longer obliged to obey them. It's time to clean up this mess!"

"DEATH TO THE DENIERS!" a man shouted at the towering white building through his megaphone. "THESE INFIDELS GO AGAINST THE WORD OF OUR LORD! SHOW THEM WHAT IT IS TO DEFY HIS DIVINE EXISTENCE!" He was at the very end of the giant sea of people. The crowd shouted and screamed. There was a strange expression on their faces. A hunger... for hope. The metal bird flew over their heads. They paid no heed to it... busy as they were, in defending the name of a person who could not care less about their existence.

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