Chapter 2

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Skye opened her window and looked up at the now darkening morning sky. Oh, of course, it's going to rain, it always does in this Light-forsaken place.

Everything was still, except for trees branches hitting each other with the occasional breeze flying by. No shops were open and everyone was still inside. Skye guessed they were getting a couple more minutes of shut-eye before the square would be busy again. There wasn't really time for days off, especially in Merchant Square.

In the center of the quarter, a large humanoid made of straw stood almost completed. Hallow's End was on its way and Skye was all too ready to cast her burdens into the fire for the coming winter. Even though the wickerman was more for symbolism, it was very important for the human kingdoms of Lordaeron and Gilneas.

Skye noticed two men walking down the cobblestone streets toward the house: one being her father and the other a bald-headed man with a dirty-blonde beard wearing a dark robe. She's seen that man a few times talking to her father. Who is that? I don't believe I've ever seen him before.

Skye made her way downstairs just as Ban opened the door to come inside. He seemed not to notice her as he made his way upstairs to his room. Skye and her mother locked eyes for a second before she returned to her work.

Skye sighed and turned to make her way to the door, deciding she should go outside for a while—even with the rain. Balfour got up from Kalea's side and followed Skye out.

The streets were dotted with water droplets and a few of the shop owners began to open up.

"'Ello, Cheyenna!" A man called as he set up his shop.

Skye waved and tried to keep moving but he continued to speak. Skye let out a sigh and stopped the man from rattling off prices and types of meat he sold. She declined and continued on her way. The offers were tempting, but she was planning on staying out a while anyway.

Skye made her way through the square then left into the ally. The barred-iron gate was already opened offering free passage to the Cathedral. As Skye crossed the bridge connecting the Cathedral Quarter to Merchant Square, she began to shiver. The rain was coming down harder and she realized she forgot her coat. She began heading back when Balfour started barking and ran into Cathedral Quarter forcing Skye to run after him.

"Balfour, No!" Skye called, but the old dog didn't listen. He either smelled something or he just didn't have as good of hearing as he once did. "For the Light's sake." Skye groaned.

The graying dog stopped in the courtyard and sniffed at an ebon blob on the ground.

Skye cautiously moved closer and noticed the blob was a small raven, its wing bent in an odd direction. Ravens were common in Gilneas, so losing one raven wouldn't have mattered that much, but Skye took pity on the poor creature as she took hold of Balfour's leather collar and pulled him away from the bird.

Skye knelt down and gently picked up the bird. He chirped in pain but didn't fight back. He relaxed as Skye cradled him like a parent would an infant, and the girl with her dog strode toward the canal as she decided to head toward Aria.

For the last month, Skye's been working with Aria. Skye kept Aria company, and Aria kept Skye busy working. She even taught Skye a few things about harvest-witches. Skye decided it would be a good idea to take the raven to Aria and maybe heal it or teach her how.

By the time she reached the cottage, Skye and the dog were already soaked, and her warm-brown hair darkened and clung to her neck and head. Skye shifted the bird into the crook of her left arm and used the iron knock on the door. A moment later, Aria opened the door and hurried Skye and Balfour inside.

The cat sitting on the table ran across the room to the high windowsill. Balfour noticed and started barking at the cat, but the cat just laid its tail over its paws and sat watching the dog. Skye hushed the dog and set the bird on the table, Aria examined the wing.

"You'll need to put a splint on it." Aria said simply, "He's not going be flying for a few weeks. Two at the least, maybe four."

Skye gazed at her mentor in bewilderment, "Can't you just call on nature, or whatever, and heal the wing?"

Aria sighed, "I can not force nature to my will, and I will not. Besides, there is only so much I can do: grow plants and heal small flesh wounds." She gestured to the raven, "My powers are not that great."

Skye gazed back at the raven who gave a tiny chirp, she reached her hand out to touch the bird and its head bumped into her palm halfway.

"Make sure he's safe, warm, and fed when you get back."

"You're not going to take him?" Skye questioned.

"You found him, you take care of him." Aria joked, "Besides, Pepper might eat the little guy."

The two looked over at the windowsill, the cat now laid down with its paws underneath it as it continued to ignore Balfour's quiet growls.

"Fine." Skye reluctantly agreed as she and Aria started making a wing splint.

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