Chapter 1

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Jae's POV
I can't believe my mom is actually getting married I mean the man is cool and all but He said he was 5 Kids!!! Not 1 not 2 5!!!! Kids!! I'm already annoyed by them AND WE HAVEN'T EVEN MET YET ugh somebody kill me now before my mom wakes me up (door opens) welp too late

Chris Jae's mom: RISE AND SHINE  today is the big day

Jae: (dull voice) I know I know moving day

Chris: why so dull nena aren't you happy were moving to a whole new committee

Jae: mommy Rich people are not new their bougie and Annoying

Chris: well I promise You Luis's family isn't like that

Jae: yeah we'll see

Jae packed the rest of her stuff in to box's got dressed and took everything to the moving truck

Jae: okay mommy that's it

Chris: okay good I have all my stuff to

Jae and Chris watch as Luis pulls into the drive way

Jae: well well well if it isn't Beverly hills chihuahua

Chris: Jae stop

Jae: sorry but every time he pull up he gotta pull up like he own everything I wouldn't be surprised if his tire's magically popped

Chris: one more smart remark and I'm taking your phone for a month

Jae: Whaaatt

Luis gets out this car

Luis: My beautiful lady's ..are you ready

Jae: what does it look like

Chris: that's it give it

Jae: buuttt

Chris: NOOWW

Jae: (gives her the phone) here I hate my life ( gets in the car)

Luis: baby really give it back

Chris: No she needs to learn how to talk to adults

Luis: did you get everything we got a long trip

Chris: yup were all set

Luis and Chris get in the car and drive off

Jae's POV

Ugh I'm moving with a bunch of rich idiots and now she has my phone life couldn't get worse than this right........

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