Chapter One

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        I had to seemingly peel my eyelids open, as I was extremely tired. I slowly but surely started to wake up. Once I was awake enough to actually think straight- Oh. It's my birthday. December 1st. I also recalled that it was supposed to snow throughout the whole of last night, according to the weatherman on... whatever news channel my brother was watching yesterday.

          I turned and gazed out my window. Sure enough, there was lots of snow on the ground. From my point of view, a second-floor room approximately 20 feet above the ground, I took a wild guess at the amount of snow on the ground. Possibly... 12 inches deep? Probably more. Maybe enough to cause school to be cancelled.

          I get out of my bed, throw a loose shirt on for the short walk to the bathroom, turn the shower on, and step in. About halfway through my shower, my older brother, Daiki, shouts to me that school is cancelled for today.

          Daiki is a pretty lousy older brother. He spends most of his free time playing Call of Duty with his (amazingly brain-dead) friends, yelling commands at them, bellowing cusses, and throwing game controllers, all the while eating 10 bags (or more) of Doritos and guzzling whole liter-bottles of cola and orange soda. He also loves to use me as a slave, telling me "Go get me more chips, you shitty piece of crap" or "Did you buy me more soda, Shi? NO? Ok, well then next time you go out, you can use your own money to buy me 4 bottles."

          Oh, I forgot to mention. He's 26.

          I, for one, can not disobey him. He calls Mom and tells her "how bad I've been" and she comes over the next day. She then acts as my "supervisor", and if i do anything wrong, I get 3 slaps to the face. By the time she leaves, the number of slaps I get before and after school usually totals out to around 27 or 30. On the weekend... I've lost count. Daiki loves to tell Mom about all the terrible things that I have(n't) done.

          I finish up my shower, dry off, put on some clothes, and start planning.

Hello! Asriel-chan here! This is a new story that I'm working on, called Blue like Violets. I'm working with a point of view (first-person) that I haven't worked with in a long while. I may accidentally write in 3rd person from time to time, so I apologize in advance (don't worry, I'll try my best to find mistakes). Anywho, I hope you like this story so far!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2016 ⏰

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