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I'm not cutting anymore,

I threw my blade onto the floor.

I know that I'm all better now,

Though I'm not sure why or how.

But I do know that my lover loves me

And I know that it would kill him to see

My arms and legs all streaked with red,

My vacant eyes, soul almost dead.

And my younger sister would indeed be hurt

To see the dried blood crusted like dirt

On my body, torn and bruised

By my own hands, so misused.

I don't think it's selfish, what I used to do.

I wasn't trying to die, just get through

A life so full of anguish, abuse, and pain

That sunny days all looked like rain.

But I've realized that I have worth.

I want to live to go to college and give birth,

Instead of bleeding out on the floor

And seeing my loved ones' faces no more.

Poetry of the Self-HarmersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora