The Wink?

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~Ehhhh guys! Cam here and I'm back with chapter 2! sorry it took me forever, school is a bitch.
~Sparkz Out

When we got to class I instantly found a spot where the teacher wouldn't call on me. Right next to was Cam and in front of me was this really hot kid. Tyler, was his name?

"Mr. Binnary?" Cam asked

"Yes, Cam?"

"May I go to the bathroom?"

"Yes you may." he said before turning back to the board.

"Good luck with these losers." Cam said before leaving.

'What losers? They all seen pretty smart to me' I thought

"Craig" Mr Binnary called


"Please answer this equation."

"Ok." I said while looking at the board.

It was science and I'm excellent at it.

'Hmmm when sulfuric acid combines with lactate and mixes in with Zion you get...'

"Zicronium acitate" I said

Everyone looked at me with wide eyes and mouths hung open.

"Correct. Class pay attention." Mr Binnary said

"Dude how did you get that?" Tyler said who was the only one that didnt turn back around.

"I-I don't k-know. I g-guess i'm j-just s-smart." I answered while stuttering like a mad man.

"Jeez, you are really smart." He said while winking at me before turning back around.

'WAIT WHAT!?!? HE JUST WINKED AT ME!?!?! I mean he is super cute...'

"CRAIG!" Cam yelled waving a hand in my face

"What?" I asked

"Class is over, let's go."

My next class was gym... great! When I got in the locker room I noticed it was only me and Tyler. He had his shirt off.

'OML HE'S HOT AND BUILD LIKE WTF' My brain was screaming at me

My heart instantly fluttered when he noticed me there and he smiled. I felt my face heat up. a lot.

"Come on, Craig. First day is always Capture the flag. Or human." He said with a devilish smile at the last part.

'Uhm.... we arn't even friends so why the fuck are you talking to me, cutie?'

My face grew more red from that last part.

'Think of how hard this class is Craig. Not him. 'Him' Tyler.

'STOP IT CRAIG! He's not even gay so just stop... but why the wink...?'

When I got out of the locker room I began to go on the side of the gym where all the guys were talking with one another. I just stood there silent, engrossed in my thoughts. Then I noticed him looking at me.


The gym teacher, Mr. Schreiner called us over to the T-Bird circle. Who was our mascot, by the way. He looked to be about 40, very fit, 5'7 and had a nice reassuring aura around him.

"Alright, first day, you know what that means. Human capture the flag." He said

"What the hell does that mean?" I asked Cam

"Six people get chosen to become the 'flags'. Three on each team. The other team has to go and pick up the 'flags' and take them over to their side. When one team gets all three 'flags' they win. Good luck mate." Cam said

'Just fucking great. God damnit.'

"Alright red and yellow. I will choose teams. Let's start. Get in a horizontal line and I'll number you off." Schreiner Diner said.

Yup. New nick name for him. I love it.

"1" He said when he came to me.

I quickly looked for Cam and saw him on the two side.

'Annnnnnddddd FUCK'

I went over to the one side and saw no one I knew. Tyler must be on the two's. All the guys got in a circle and started talking about who were gonna be the flags. This was basically gonna be the slow kids.

"Alright, Charles, Jimmy and..." a kid said

"Why not the newbie?" Another one said

All eyes laid on me. Great.

"Fine with me" I said

When we got into our positions of just standing there, Schreiner blew a whistle and everyone sprinted forward to get forward. This was a special game where the 'flags' could move around. So I started to walk around trying to be hidden amongst everyone else. And it worked until I was the last 'flag'. No one remembered who the 'flag' was since no one knew who the new kid was.

That was until Tyler spotted me and smirked. He started to run at me.


I started to run as fast as I could. That was until I got intersected by Cam, out of nowhere. I had to stop dead in my tracks and I backed away slowly forgetting about Tyler till I bumped into something hot.


I quickly looked behind me and saw his smirk grow wider. My cheeks at this point were crimson red. I looked over at Cam who was smirking as well. No one else noticed our little skirmit.

I sprinted away from them, but I quickly noticed Cam gaining up on me.

'God damnit. He's fast as hell.'

That's when Tyler came up behind me and picked me up bridal style. I may have yelped in surprise, but I didn't know cause the blood going into my face was almost all the blood in my body.

He carried me over to Schreiner who then blew his whistle. Declaring the team red won. I tried to get out of Tyler's bridal style hold on me, but he just held me closer.

'Uhmmmmm what. The. Hell....'

I looked up at him to see him looking down at me with a warm smile on his face. I smiled back awkwardly until he finally let me down.


Cam. I need to find him. I walked around until I FINALLY found him. He was talking to some blond short girl. She was very pretty, about 5'5 and she looked to be a good friend of Cam's.

"Alright, see you later Jayda." Cam said while Jayda was leaving

"Bye Cam" She said not turning around

"You wanted me?" He asked

"Yea, what the hell is up with Tyler?" I asked


~Alright! I'm backkkkk! Sorry it took so long. But I love all your support. I will try to upload at least twice a week.
Alright I'm gonna stop rambling cause blah blah blah. Bye!

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