Troubled Times

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Axe was sick if fighting her but that's all they did.  Dara started to cry as she tugged at her hair. Axe wished he could fix things and make her happy but he hasn't been able to do that in a while.
" You know what?! I'm done I'm going to stay with Hinge!"
Before Dara could make any moves to leave Axe grabbed her arm.  " Yeah smart idea go stay with the one guy my boyfriend doesn't like."
Dara snarled and jerked her arm away grabbing a bottle from the table next to her and smashed the bottom of it on the corner.
"Don't you fucking touch me. I'm smaller not weaker!"
Axe growled " If you walk out that door we're through."
Dara spit at his shoes and looked him dead in the eye. "Fine by me, bitch."
A horrid rage swam through Axe as he raised his hand and slapped the small infuriating woman.
Both equally shocked when they realized what he had just done. When Axe moved to console her she flinched away and feed into the wet foggy night.
Axe sagged against the door. What have I done?! I... What have I become? Axe could no longer hold back tears for they seemed to have bursted and flood his eyes as they splashed over the memory that would forever be imprinted on his mind.
Weeks had past and Axe was determined to find her and fix things. He sighed as he walked up to Hinge's door.
Hinge opened it and almost looked immediately... relieved to see him?
" Good I was wondering when you'd show up to make up..." Hinges smile twitched trying to hold back a frown.  " But you just missed her."
Axe was shocked
Hinge then explained that Dara got a job offer up north and had accepted it the night she left their home and left yesterday.
Axe frustrated soon got swamped with work so he couldn't think of how to find her. He almost forgot about her if it wasn't for him going to bed thinking about her, dreamed about her,and saw her everywhere.  When he finally got time off he flew up north to look for his girl.
His time up north was shortening and his labor was fruitless.
He went down to a bar and thought about everything.
It's almost been a year since I've seen that smile but Hinge says she in this area.
The bartender soon bent over to get the liquor for another customer's drink when Axe caught site of a familiar tattoo in the center of a pair of bat wing tattoos on her shoulder blades.
His words sucked down his throat he was speechless.
She'd changed so much. She wore white makeup with black around her eyes, her hair was cut and dyed in a style he knew she despised, she was wearing clothes she would only dream to be confident enough to wear. She was no longer his little kitten she was now a bat.
When she caught him starring he saw she was wear colored contacts that hide her beautiful eyes. He apologized for starring and glared at his drink. I did this to her. I'm so sorry Dara. I'll make it up to you some how.
The next night he came to the bar again to find she was not there and her manager said she called in sick. Sighing Axe walked through the streets not caring if he got hurt. He was soon pulled into an alley.
"Is this the guy that boss wanted? " One of the guys whispered to the other he nodded and soon all Axe saw was black.
Axe woke up in a bedroom tied to thick metal rods.
A door opened and in walked a figure he'd been dying to see. His kitty was dressed in a sexy dress that covered her body like a second skin except for her chest that seemed like would burst out the deep v neckline.
"What are you doing here in this state?"
Axe's needs turned to jelly hearing her voice.
Shakily he spoke, " I missed you, I wanted to say sorry, I wanted to fix things. Baby there is so many reasons I'm here and there all about you."
She looked suddenly not as mighty.
"I've cried myself to sleep cuddling your old pillow covered in your shirts and perfume hoping that one morning I'll wake to see it's actually you."
Her heels clicked as she approached him. "I'm not the girl you use to know."
Tears streamed and burned his cheeks.
She sighed and leaned down ;wiping his tears like he was having a bad dream. She couldn't stand to see him cry. "The past can't be forgotten..." Axe couldn't help but beg "and it can't be forgiven but I'll make a deal." Axe looked like he was ready to sell his soul to the devil twice. Dara smirked "you have to wake up".

Axe throw himself out of bed and flailed around. It was storming out but his flailing is what woke his beautiful girlfriend.
"Baby it was a bad dream come back to bed." Axe had never felt to overwhelmed with emotions he jumped into be and cradled his lover mumbling of never leaving and other nonsense. Dara pet her loves head knowing that he must have really needed this. Once Axe was under control they cuddled tightly and went back to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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