my twisted Cinderella

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*So how do you guys like the book so far? Good? Bad? Its alright?. Either way I hope you enjoy it and I'll just shut up now*

          Chapter 6

      The next day me and Riku planned on where we could find the woman named Sara at. She has a lot of explaining to do....that's if she dosent die before I can get answers. Yuki is still shooken up so I just let her to sleep until she woke up.

       "Do you think we should ask Grell for some help?"

        "No. I don't want that damned shikigami to help. We'll do it on our own."

        "Why are you so harsh towards him Riku?"

        "That's because demons and shikigami never got along" he sighed

         "But that could change. No one thought that a demon would marry a human." I said wrapping my arms around him and he sighed. Yes! he gave up. hehehe I love winning.

          "Fine. Grell can help us" he grumbled. As soon as he said that Grell barged into the study.

          "You mean I can help!?" Grell said with a smile hugging me. Riku quickly pulled hin off me and told him 'yes you can'.

          "Ok. Then lets start heading to the church in the country!" Grell said eargerly.

          "Wait. How do you know where Sara is?" I looked at him confussed and Riku agreed with me.

          "While the little demon looked for a way to find her. I took the liberty to look for her and I found out some information on her whereabouts."

          "Damned shikigami" Riku grumbled and I praised Grell for doing a good job. Grell gave us the directions to the place he told us that Sara would be at. Of course Grell followed us as Riku tried to get rid of him and I sighed.

         "Will you two just get along!!" I yelled as I hit there heads

         "Ow!!!!" they both hollered and I laughed. They were behaved for the rest of the way. Wow. I quess hitting them works. An hour passed and we finally got to our destination.

          "Is this the place?" and Grell nodded in response. We walked in and saw a woman reading a book.

         "Louis, you finished the job" she must have assumed that I was Louis. She then turned around.

         "Oh my. It appears that he wasn't strong enough to do the job" she said walking towards me.

         "Are you the woman named Sara?"

         "Yes I am. Now tell me Darla. Why did you kill my sons?" she suddenly threw me at a wall and held me up by my throat.

         "T-they tried to kill me for no reason. You psycho bitch!" I broke free and ran behind Riku and Grell.

         "This isn't good. She is a high class angle." Grell said and I looked at him confused.

         "A high class angle is an angle with demon like strength and speed. Demons are srtonger and quicker then normal angles" Riku explained to me and I nodded as I processed what he told me. So Sara and Riku are matched in strength and speed. That means that Riku only has a fifty percent chance to win. This isn't good.

         "My sons only wanted to rid this place of the unclean!" she yelled and disappeared.

          "Ri-" I was cut off when she grabbed me.

          "Darla!!" Riku tried to pull me away from Sara. Sara hoved in the air holding me. I screamed as I closed my eyes as she flew higher.

         "Put me down!!"

         "As you wish" she then threw me at the wall and I fell. Riku caught me and set me down. I was coughing up a little blood and that sent Riku insane.

         "Grell, watch her and make sure ahe doesn't get hurt more" and Grell nodded.


         "Its ok. I won't let anything else happen to you" I nodded and fell unconscious.

       *hahaha its Riku's p.o.v now. :3 *

     Riku's P.O.V.

     Darla blacked out. I looked over to Sara and saw her laughing. Grell went over and stayed next to Darla. I don't like the idea of leaving her in his care but right now I don't have a choice.

        "What's so funny?"

        "How can a demon fall in love with a  human and get married. You know it won't last long unless you turn her into a demon. That's if she survives" she charged towards Darla but I knocked her back.

        "You will never touch her" I growled and tackled Sara. I held her by her throat and stabbed her in the heart. She screamed in agony and fell to the ground. I started to walk back towards Darla but was thrown into a pillar. Damn angle. I'm on a roll with killing them. This would be my fourth time killing an angle. As I stood back up I wad pinned to the pillar.

       "Ah. Ah. Ah. Little boys should learn to play nice!" she stabbed my stomach.

       "Guh!!" I spitted up blood and Sara laughed. I got up and ran towards her ripping off her wings. She screamed in pain as blood gushed out of her back. I then ripped out her heart and her head.

       "Wow. You show no mercy huh." Grell said poking Sara's lifeless body. I remained silent and walked over to Darla picking her up.

       "I made sure nothing happened to her" he spoke with a little fear in him. We walked home and I put Darla in our room. Strange. She would've been awake by now. Then I remembered that she lost a lot of blood when Sara threw into the walls twice. It scared me. I thought I was about to lose my precious girl. Grell brought in Yuki and she treated Darla.

          "She's lost way to much blood. Not even spells could help her now." Yuki sighed.

         "There has to be something that can help her!" I trembled as I squeezed Darla's hand.

         "R-Riku..why are you crying..?" I looked over and saw Darla with a cocerned look on her face. All I did was hug her and didn't say a word.

     *Back to Darla's p.o.v. :p   *

    Darla's P.O.V.

     I opened my eyes to see Riku sitting next to me crying. I looked around the room to find that I was in my room.

        "R-Riku.. why are tou crying..?" I looked at him with a concerned look. He didn't say anything and hugged me.

         "Looks like she's healing herself as we speak"  Grell said as I saw Yuki packing up her first aid kit.

        "What happened?"

        "You blacked out and Riku went crazy and killed Sara. After he killed her he brought you back here and Yuki did what she could to heal you" Grell explained with a relieved look.

      "Since she's up. let me treat your wounds now Riku." Yuki saod lifting up his shirt. I saw a huge stab wound in his stomach and cuts all over him. I stared in shock that he was actually injured.

       "Its ok. Its only minor wounds" he looked at me to reasure me. Yuki started to patch him up as ge flinched in pain. Once she was done Riku layed next to me.

       "You two should get some rest" Yuki said leaving the room then Grell left as well. Me and Riku soon fell asleep.

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