Open Wounds

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The world is cold it means nothing to me. I seen so much death on the streets. Every where I go there's a dead corps. Sence the dead came to life and walked the roads the world got even colder. All I can see is blood on my hands and feel nothing as all i can think of is kill...kill..and more to kill

"It's part of life now kill or be killed... I survived for so long I don't What am I?? Just a lone survivor....

Help!!! a voice from a distance.

My Addrline kicked in I sprinted to the scream that cried for help as my first thought was. The kill threat

There was a young woman in a wheelchair rolling her way from the slow walking corps.

I sprinted towards her with out thinking. I snatched her out the wheelchair to safety. what the hell was i thinking?? To Risked myself to save her?? Why?...why?...I asked myself again.

"Thank you so much for saving me". The woman cried.

I didint I reply I never seen anyone aspashly a live person I didn't understand why I saved her. It doesn't matter now.

" do you talk?" She asked me but I didn't know what to say...

"Okay? your silent I see...but thank you...and if it's not too much to ask can you keep me safe? please..."

Keep her safe?? I thought to myself..
How?? I usly survive alone..but then a word slip out my mouth, "yes..."

"You talked..."
she said softly and surprised. Then I felt silent again..

"It's okay to be scared you know...if it helps get to know each other my name is Miami...what's yours?"

As she asked my name I struggled to remember...for I couldn't tell her.
"I dunnu...I replied"

"Don't know?" She asked. "hmmm...I will just call you Hero".

Me a hero?? I thought to myself. I am nothing more then just a survivor it wasn't my attention to save her or was it?? My gut tightens the's so much must not remember... must not remember...Then the pain went away slowly. "It gets difficult every day to hold it in...but it always end in emptiness.

"Hey Hero it's getting late can we find a place to stay?" Miami asked.

I lifted her on my shoulders and hold on to her legs as I walked her to my hide out once we got there. I carefully lay her down on the bed.

"Thank you Hero..." she said restlessly. before she fell asleep I stopped her with a question.

"Miami...Howed you survive for this long?"

"I hid and stayed low but it didn't last long tile the monsters spotted me. Then thats when I saw you came running and saved me." "Yawns"

Then she fell asleep quickly as if she never slept but hey can't blame her after all it's a cruel world.

I started feel tired myself. I slowly fell asleep. Then the nightmares came back. Lilith running away from the monsters her out of my reach I wanted help but theres to many of them.

Open woundsWhere stories live. Discover now