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Golden Freddy's POV

I see springtrap running up to me I quickly pull out my sword and he stops "Heh Accept my challenge Goldie" he says by me feeling intimidated I charge foolish of me forgetting what he could do to me I fall to the group from hin cutting my leg I stand up putting up my shields that any physical contact would explode on his side "HA TRY AND HIT ME!" I say he cuts upwards knocking me off balance then cutting away my shields with furry inside I start attacking him over and over until I ran out of stamina I fall to my knees looking up to see he's done cut through me feeling my upper body slide off my legs I lay there and bleed out feeling a pressure on my back from him stomping his foot there and feeling him stab his sword ibto my heart it all fades to black then I knew....I was dead....

Mangle's POV

Aftee watching them I run out to see springtrap still acting the same it kinda scared me so I approached slowly and hug him "thank you....for saving me again" I kiss him and we walk inside foxy waiting for us in the car I turn to see springtrap cut me soon waking up seeing it was all a dream I sigh in relief I get up with a pounding head ache thinking it was the Cyborg circuits in us since it was the only way me and spring and our son could come back to life I walk up to springtrap asking him did the circuits mess with him too? He nodded in response I walk outside listening to the crunching of the November leaves under my shoes and my son by my side I ask him dir he really have to bring us back? He said it was very important he wouldn't let us die again I thank him amd springtrap comes out and hugs me from behind I smile rubbing and taking one of  his hands holding it to my heart soon it was night fall and we all went to sleep I wake up to the sound of a power drill in tbe garage I get up to see who it was seeing Foxy was trying to become a Cyborg so he can live forever to I go and give him a helping hand and it was all done I go back inside and nuzzle up to springtrap as he cuddles me the next morning it was when Bon Bon checked Everyone's Cybord DIY Maintenance Chip to check our moods and thoughts and if any errors in our bodys and etc I was going to ask her how it was done but curiosity got the best of me so I ask she says Its simple prosses she'll teach me soon I thank her and go get breakfast later stepping outside with springtrap resting my head on him knowing his Errors in his body would soon take over I wasn't going to let that happen I wanted to keep him forever

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