The Vision

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Author's Note: OFC's name is Cap. Veleda Olmen. She is just some random chick I made up. There might be minor triggers. IDK how sensitive you are. Set somewhere in season 2 after the episode duet. All the stage directions/descriptions are in ** Sorry for grammar/spelling mistakes. I guess I leave out commas a lot.


John Shep Script

-Veleda Olmen

*jungle planet- Ronan with some OFC Veleda both dressed in normal military stuff. Walking*

VELEDA: So Ronan I guess you are big stuff- Sheppard wanted you on his team and this is a VERY important mission. How's it feel to be the star off the show?

RONAN: *silence*

VELEDA: Or you could say nothing

RONAN: *more silence*

VELEDA: I mean this is a pretty important mission because we do need an Alpha site, and Rodney stumbling upon that energy... thingy is pretty cool, I mean this is cool exploring alien planets. *Ronan still being hello darkness my old friend face and actions* And now I'm going to stop talking.

*walks on*

*cut to SHEP walking with TAYLA in same jungle*

SHEP:*on radio* Anyone find anything?

*cut to RODNEY and SMITH in same place*

RODNEY: *on radio* No but we should be finding something soon.

*cut back*

SHEP: Tell me again why we can't just use the life sense detector

*cut back*

RODNEY: Because the plants give off a faint energy source and it's just enough to mess with them.

*cut back*

SHEP: Well keep searching, radio if you see anything.

*cut back to VELEDA, RONAN walking again, walks a few steps then RONAN sees something to the left in a large field, it is a average sized temple stone structure something the Greeks would build. It is crumbling slightly*

VELEDA: What have we got here?

RONAN: looks like some sort of temple. We should check it out. *walks towards it, VELEDA grabs RONAN'S arm and stops him*

VELEDA: We should tell Col. Sheppard about this. *on radio* This is Cap. Olmen. We found something, Ronan wants to check it out.

SHEP: *hears his voice over radio* We are on our way, just don't touch anything.

VELEDA: *on radio* Will do *off radio* Okay well you heard the man! Let's go explore!

*they walk towards the temple*

*cut to RONAN and VELEDA in temple. There are a few windows. Ancient texts cover the walls and strange circles fill the floor. It is one room and is empty.*

RONAN: So... there's nothing. It's just an empty temple.

VELEDA: *facing the doorway gun raised.* I guess. *turns to far side. Show pedestal with a gentle red glow from it. On top perched a red ruby about the size of a flat golf ball.* Wait, what's this? *VELEDA lowers gun and stars walking toward the pedestal.*

RONAN: *he cant see anything where VELEDA sees the pedestal* What? I don't see anything?

*see pedestal*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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