Chapter 3

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Seto's POV

I woke up the next day. I stretched and yawned. I climbed out of my bunk and got ready for the day. Something about that prophecy spooked me... I don't know... When I got ready I went out for a crappy breakfast at a crappy orphanage with crappy people. I sat at a table, alone not even bothering to get breakfast. I was reading a book when Snake came over. "Where's your little girlfriend now? Is she saving another innocent, weak little soul?" he snickered. He lifted me by the shirt. I manage to wiggle away, but while I'm running he corners me. I back into the corner and shut my eyes, expecting the blow to come, but it does not. Instead I feel a burning feeling at my fingertips. I open my eyes to see everyone staring at me and purple flames emitting from my fists. When I spot them they go away. I quickly run to my room and lock the door. Did that really just happen? Am I really a sorcerer or was that just my imagination... I need to think about this...
Made by DatSmartZorua.... Im not dead... yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2013 ⏰

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