Drunk Parties

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(Y/n) woke up, sweating bullets from your nightmare. She had never experienced anything like it before, even in dreams!

In the dream
(Y/N) was at home for the school year with her parents, in her small house. Everything was going fine, everyone was doing their own things, when the door suddenly burst open. At the door were several floating black figures. They reminded her of Dementors from Harry Potter. They had the same black hood and cold, lifeless air around them.

The creatures floated into the house, right into the dining room, ready to kill. The whole family braced themselves to sprint away. Then one of the creatures muttered something. "We want bread and plums." They all looked at the fridge. "Give us the bread and plums." This was the most terrifying thing she'd ever witnessed.

The creatures didn't leave, but no one could do anything about it. (Y/N)'s family didn't have any bread or plums stocked at the moment. The creatures stayed all day and into the night. They even hovered over the whole family when they went to sleep, still demanding bread and plums.

Real Life
(Y/n) got up and walked out the door of the Athena cabin. No one was up at this hour. She walked over to the Hades cabin, hoping her boyfriend Nico would provide some comfort from her horrendous nightmare. She knocked. After a second, she heard shuffling and bolts unlatching on the door, finally opening to her boyfriend Nico, all dressed up, ready for bed.

A voice called out. "Who is it Nico?" (Y/N) looked at her boyfriend questioningly. He scratched his neck nervously, his usual attitude towards others showing. "Well, you see, I'm actually gay." He looked up at your blank face. "Can we break it off, just cause, you know." Looked down worriedly. He wasn't sure if (Y/N) would support him. But she smiled. "Sure Nico, I support you. Go get 'em!" She patted his shoulder before turning on her heel and walking off, her previous nightmare forgotten in her happiness for Nico.

Next Morning
(Y/N) walked through the woods, to the Argo II. She was going to meet her friend Leo there, and see if he could offer her comfort for her nightmare. She hadn't been able to get back to sleep after it, as she immediately remembered it when she went back to her cabin.

She shuffled through the woods tiredly, occasionally yawning. Finally, she reached the beach were the ship was docked and being worked on. She sped up the plank, doing a little jump and making a grand entrance. "I've come to visit, you lonely bum!" She yelled, waving her hands in the air. The latino boy that she'd come to visit looked over his shoulder at her from his current project. He stared at her for a moment before laughing. "Welcome (Y/N)!"

Time Skip
(Y/N) had told Leo about her dream and how she hadn't been able to get back to sleep, and how Nico had broken up with her, though she didn't say why because he would reveal to them in due time. She told him not to worry, because she felt that they had needed to break it off as well.

After a while of chatting, and drinking the terrible coffee that Leo's newest machine had created, Leo asked a question. "You going to the drunk party tonight?" The girl blinked, staring at him. "Uh, no." She said. Leo pouted. "Why not? It'll be fun!" She frowned. "We are under-age. Chiron and Mr. D are being a bit irresponsible. Plus, I've had terrible experiences with drunk people."

(Y/N) remembered going out with her mum and dad one night, and being randomly ambushed by a drunk man. Her parents had gotten badly injured, and had to go to hospital. Luckily the man was arrested because (Y/N) had called the police and ambulance. She shivered. Leo pouted. "C'mon! It'll be fine." He wiggled his eyebrows. "Plus, the Bad Boy Supreme will be there to protect you!" (Y/N) giggled slightly. "Fine, but only for a little while." Leo fist pumped.

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