Chapter 4

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The next day, Floor had the Night Temptation brought close to the Phoenix, so she could hold a meeting. She climbed up into the ratlines so everyone could see and hear her. The crew of the Phoenix was quite rowdy and kept asking questions: "Where's Tarja? What have you done with our captain? Why should we listen to you?"

Oh, great, so now they think it's my fault that Tarja's missing, Floor thought in disgust.

"Hey, all of you, shut up and let her speak!" Charlotte yelled. Floor was surprised, but grateful because everyone on the Phoenix instantly went silent.

"Thank you," Floor said. "Now, first things first, I don't know where Tarja is. That's why I've gathered us all here. She and several members of our crew are missing. Whether they are together or not, I don't know, but it would make sense if they are. We need to find them and bring them back."

"Who's we?" someone on the Phoenix yelled.

"All of us," Floor answered. "You want your captain back, I want my crew back. We should work together to find them." There was a lot of murmuring between the people on both ships, and then Marco said,

"How are we going to do that? We're in no shape to do anything." Floor shot him a look of annoyance.

"We're not going to look for them yet, we have to get to a town and repair our ships first. At least, that's what we are going to do."

"We will too," said a man from the Phoenix, and Floor was surprised to see that it was Tuomas. "We will stay with you if that's alright. It's safer that way." Floor nodded.

"True. Alright, our ships will sail together, until we have found everyone who is missing, and I mean everyone. No one gets left behind!"

"We're missing three, counting Captain Turunen," Tuomas said. "What about you, Captain Jansen?"

"Four," she answered.

"Alright, then, what are we waiting for? Let's make for the nearest town and get supplies, so we can bring those lost seven home!" Tuomas cried, and both crews cheered. For some reason, the sound lifted Floor's spirits just a little. Maybe there was hope after all.

A few hours later, the ships docked at a small town and a group from each ship went ashore to buy food, ammunition, medical supplies, wood to repair the ship, and other things.

"Okay, I'll take Jukka and we'll go get the food. The rest of you, split up and get the rest of the stuff. Head back to the ship when you're done," Charlotte said, and the others nodded. Everyone scattered in different directions, in groups of two. Charlotte and Jukka headed for a general store to buy food and drink. On the wall inside the store, Charlotte spotted a wanted poster, for Tarja.

Holy sea turtles! 30,000?! That's how much somebody's willing to pay for her capture? she thought in astonishment. I have to tell Captain Jansen. They finished paying for the food, and two of the men from the store helped them carry the sacks back to the ship. They would have to make at least one more trip to bring everything since there was so much of it. When they got back to the ship, Charlotte directed the men where to store the food, and then they all went back to the store to get the rest of it. When they were finished loading the food, Charlotte went and knocked on the door of Captain Jansen's room.

"Come in," Floor called. Charlotte entered the room. The captain was sitting at her desk, writing in a book. She put her pen into the inkwell and turned to face Charlotte. Charlotte noticed that she looked tired and worn-out, a strange thing for this woman who ordinarily seemed like she was made of steel.

"Captain, I saw...I saw a wanted poster in the store," she began, looking down at her boots.

"Look at me when you're speaking to me," Floor ordered, and Charlotte looked up at her. "What about this poster?"

"It...It was for Tarja," Charlotte answered. The captain arched an eyebrow.

"How much?" she asked.

"30,000," Charlotte said. Floor bit her lip so hard, Charlotte thought she might bite right through it.

"30,000...I could use the money. But she is my ally. Should I turn her in, that is, if we can even find her?" she mused. "I'll keep it in mind, Charlotte. Thank you."

"You're welcome, captain," Charlotte said and turned to go.

"Wait a minute," Floor called, and she turned around again. "Does it matter whether or not she's alive?"

"No," Charlotte answered. The captain smirked, eyes gleaming.

"After I've finished with her, Tarja Turunen will never cause trouble for anyone ever again. I'm going to have too much fun with this."

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