Chapter 8

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I stood in front of Marshall's door debating on whether on not I should knock. "Maybe I should just go home," I told myself, but as I turned to go the door opened and Marshall stepped out.

"Marceline....what are you doing here..." He said. "I thought you were never coming back.."

I put a hand on my neck nervously, not making eye contact. "I never said that..."

"No, you said this place makes no sense." He says crossing his arms.

"Well what'd you expect? I'd just found out that there's an alternate universe and an alternate me! What, did you honestly think I'd be... What? Happy about something like that?!" I yell.

"Maybe you could not crush someone who fell for you and knows all your pain and you just add more to it!" He yelled back.

I took a step back, my mouth falling open in shock. "What?"

"Marceline you didnt know..." His expression changed from anger to anguish.

"Um.. I had no idea..." I took a step closer and looked up into his dark eyes. "Marshall I think I might be falling for you too... That's what I came here to tell you..."

He stopped, looking stunned "Wh-what did you say?"

"Marshall I think I'm falling in love you.." Did I actually mean that?

He grabbed me and pulled me close to him. I could smell his cologne and it made my knees buckle "Marceline.." He said brushing away a stray lock of my hair. I definitely meant it..

"Yes?" I whispered, my voice shaky. My heartbeat filled my ears and I wondered if he could hear it.

"I.. I love you.." He let go and backed away looking worried.

"Do you really mean it?" I asked in disbelief.

"Marceline what makes you think this is a joke? I tried to tell you that night at the party and again at your house!" He yelled and I took a step back. His words stung like a slap to the face.

"I don't think it's a joke.." How could he say that? "It was a mistake to come here, I should go." I said and turned to leave, but before I could he grabbed my hand.

"Don't go!" He said, his voice pained.

"Why shouldn't I?" I yelled, pulling my hand out of his and pushing him away with it. "Do you think this is easy for me? I came here to tell you I'm in love with you, and you think I'm laughing at you? What kind of person do you think I am?" I turned away from him so he wouldn't see the tears running down my face. "I've never felt like this before... and the last thing I need is you yelling at me," I said softly.

"Marceline," He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "I love you Marceline you make me feel so... happy" He turned me around and wiped the tears from my face.

"I love you too Marshall," I said quietly.

Moving slowly and deliberately he tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my pointed ear and leaned in, his lips brushing against mine making me shiver. I lifted my lips to meet his, closing my eyes and accepting a kiss that took my breath away. He pulled me closer, kissing me harder making my heart skip a beat.

When I finally pulled back I slowly opened my eyes to look up into his. "Wow.." I said softly, wishing that the moment could last forever.

"Marceline will you go out with me?" He asked, smiling.

"Like on a date?" I asked playfully biting my lip.

"Yeah, as my girlfriend...." He brushed his hair out of his face and bit his lip.

"Tomorrow. 8:00," I said grinning. "I'll meet you here and you better be ready for a fun night."

"Before you go can I at least have a good night kiss?" He said, smirking. "You know, since you love me."

"Oh don't be such a smart ass," I said and grabbed his shirt, pulling his lips into mine.

"Till tomorrow 'Queenie'" he said in his usual arrogant tone.

"Goodnight lover boy," I winked at him mischievously and flew away.

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