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Allie's pov

I cuddled with my daughter as she slept. She smiled and pulled me closer minding my bump.

"Am I interrupting?" Kori asked as she peeked her head in. I shook my head and gestured for her to come in.

"Where's Dani?"

"She had to go to work. But I was asked to deliver this." She handed me a picture. "And this." She softly grabbed my chin and kissed me.

"Damn. Not bad." I said when we pulled away.

"I can see why she's obsessed with you." She said and winked.

I winked back and she went to her bed and laid down.

"I'm hungry." I whispered to myself. Kori handed me food.

"I know pregnant you." She said and I chuckled.

"This is why you're my favorite." I said.

Rosie woke up and laid her head on my lap.
I picked up her hand and kissed it.

I ate and she played with my fingers.

"/Do you want any?/" I asked Rosie and she shook her head.

"/thank you though/."

"Rosie is so polite." Kori said. "You raised her right."

"I try my best." I said and Kori climbed on top of me.
"You comfy?"


"Dog pile!" Rosie jumped on top of us and we all laughed.

"What's happening?" Victoria asked.

"Dog pile!" Dani laid on all of us.

"Come on Vicky!"

"Ah, what the hell?" She did the same and we stayed like that until.

"Can't breathe." My daughter said and we disbanded.
I saw Victoria give Kori a look and Kori shook her head.

"What's that?" I asked.

"What's what?" Victoria asked.

"You're pretending that I'm not Latin and I don't notice everything. Out with it."

"I saw something that I'm not allowed to tell you." Kori said.

"What'd you see?" I asked.

"I think someone else should tell you."

"Yeah Victoria." Dani said while playing with Rosie.

"I slept with Garrett.."
that made me freeze.


"We were working on an assignment and it was really late. He complained about how tired he was and one thing lead to another. We were kissing then we stopped. I asked him if this was okay. He told me don't worry about it and that's when it all happened. We went to my room to hide from Calvin and that's when Kori and Dani walked in.."

"Did you want to do it?" I asked and she nodded.
I stood up and gestured for Dani to cover Rosie's ears. She did so.
"If you leave I will break both of your legs and drag you back here." I walked out.

I knocked on Garrett's door and he opened it and jumped.

"Hhey Allie."
I pushed him in and walked inside.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I asked.

"I'm guessing she told you."

"Did you tell Calvin?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you two are dating and I'm having your fucking child by him!"
He was silent. "He's so in love with you Garrett. It wouldn't be fair to him if you kept this a secret."

"Please don't tell him.."

"Fine. But if you don't tell him he will find out. And that's a promise."

"I'm sorry."
I shook my head.

"I honestly can't believe you of all people would pull some shit like this."
He hung his head.

"Does this mean we're not friends anymore?"

"I don't know." I walked out and went back into my room. Victoria was still seated and I noticed Dani and Rosie were gone.
"What the hell were you thinking?"

"I was lonely! I haven't had romantic or sexual contact in months.."

"You know that he's dating someone and your sister is carrying their baby. And yet you do it. Then you try and hide it? Are you fucking stupid?"
She was silent.
"I can't look at you."

"I'm so-"

"Save it. And get out of my sight."
She stood up and walked out.

Kori looked at me and opened her arms. I hugged her and shook my head.
"I'm gonna go skate."

"Be careful."

"I'll call you if anything goes wrong."
She nodded and I grabbed a board. I walked outside and started skating.

After a little while it started raining and I saw someone sitting on a bench. I knew exactly who.
I skated to him and sat by him, putting up and umbrella.

He laid his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arm around mine.

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