Undying Thirst Chapter 7:Darkness Once Again

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"Mom do you think it would be wrong if I had feelings for Eric?" I looked down again. I was beginning to question my motives. Should I stay or should I go? The Rutherford's have been nothing but nice to me, but I can't deny that I feel like something terrible is about to happen. Something that will change everything.

"No baby, I think that Eric makes you happy. You haven't felt that way about anyone in a long time," My mothers angelic voice spoke softly. Almost like a sweet lullaby that you sing to a child right before bedtime. I smiled at her sweetly, but that smile instantly faded.

Time literally stopped at that moment. The golden sky suddenly turned black and dark. Lightning cracking endlessly through the sky. The once grassy green meadow turned into a shriveled up, dead, lifeless plain. The little insects and small animals roaming around, instantly fell dead at my feet. My mother, my beautiful mother, grabbed onto me with fright plain on her face. She began to change, no more a beautiful angel. But exactly how her corpse looked on the day that she died. Pale skin and glassy eyes, cold to the touch and blood coming from her throat.

"M-mom?!" I shouted staring and her horrid face. I tried to pull away and run as fast as I could, but she just held my wrist tighter. More blood started to pour out of the wound, splashing onto me. Her fingertips digging into my skin, slowly, painfully.

"Adrianna. Adrianna, you need to get out of here. Something bad is going to happen. They're coming for you. They know about you and me and they're looking for you. Your father.." That's all she got out before she turned into ashes at my feet and the wind blew her away. I fell to the ground and trembled, taking in my surroundings. Darkness was always there whenever they came around. They were going to find me, again.

I literally jumped out of my sleep and out of the bed. Hot tears running down my cheeks and sobs coming from my mouth. I ran out of the room feeling like the walls were closing in on me. I needed some air. I ran as fast I could and ran straight into Eric, I fell to the ground and curled into a ball and his feet. Sobbing uncontrollably, waiting for them to come and torture me again.

"Adrianna, what happened? Are you ok?!" Eric kneeled down next to my shaking body, placing his hands on either side of my face and looked deep into my eyes. I don't know what he saw, but he immediately placed me on his lap and rocked me back and forth trying to calm me.

I sobbed on his shoulder for what seemed like ages and when I was finished I didn't say a word. I just stared blankly at the wall, thinking of the ways they would torture me, while fresh tears ran down my

cheeks again. I couldn't tell Eric, he wouldn't understand and he would try and stop whatever plan I came up with.

"Adrianna, what happened to you?" He whispered softly, trying not to scare me. I couldn't bring myself to tell him. If he knew, he might look at me differently and probably won't feel the same way about me anymore.

I looked down and played with my hands, "Nothing." I felt so bad for lying to Eric, but he just wouldn't understand. He'll think I'm disgusting, and then I'll be all alone, again. I needed him, I can't have him leave just as I started getting feelings for him, could I?

"Adrianna you're lying. You're shaking and crying and look like you haven't slept all night," Eric looked genuinely scared for me. I just couldn't bring myself to tell him.

"Nothing is wrong, ok? I just had a nightmare that's all," I say looking at my hands again. I didn't want to look in his eyes, he would tell what I was hiding. One thing my mother taught me before she died, was to never look in a loved ones eyes if you have a dark secret that you don't want them to find out.

"Are you sure? I could take you to my parents, they'll know what to do." Looking down at me again, Eric looked hopeful that I would agree to see his parents, which I declined almost too quickly.

"Eric, no. I'm alright. I-I just need to rest my eyes a little-" The blackouts were happening again. Those only happened when I was stressed thinking about "Them" and what they could do to me. This would never end would it?


A/N: Another chappy is done! Phew pretty intense huh? ;D Also yes I am writing another story along with Undying Thirst, called Underground. It's more of a thriller and doesn't have any vampires. Anyway tell me what you think of this chapter and my new story Underground. It means alot, as always :))

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