So.... I tell stories out loud and flap my hands when I'm thinking

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As the title says I do indeed "whisper-shout" bits and pieces of stories that I make up. Often it's not even a story, but me talking to myself about what I did that particular day. Fortunately I only do this when I am alone, but If anyone saw me it would probably look like I lost my mind. 

About the flapping hands. It sounds ridiculous to be writing that I wave my hands around when I am deep in thought. It is a really bad habit, I know, but it is also a huge stress reliever for me. Again if a stranger saw me, it would most likely look like I have severe brain damage. Am I the only one who has habits like this? If you do anything like this or have advice for me please leave a comment.

Stay weird everyone! :D

Does anyone else do this?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora