Sorry I ain't sorry

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I rarely feel bad when someone annoys the crap out of me and I very mildly roll my eyes or even snap at them. Just got a time-wasting lecture from Mom about how I've been grumpy and I should be nicer and I should apologize more and blahdy-blahdy-blah. And before you start telling me that I'm a nasty person I can't remember a single instance recently when I have said or done anything that is actually seriously hurtful. I'm on my period and I have a cold and my temper is a little shorter than usual, but I have really tried not to take it out on people and chewing me out for being female and sick will 100% make me not sorry. Any remorse I may have felt earlier will be washed away by your bugging. The best way to make me feel sorry for something is to not say anything. If I'm going to feel guilty I will do it without any help from you.

That's my little rant for today. Let me know in the comments if you hate people trying to make you feel bad. :D

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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