Chapter 15

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"No!" I scream, almost at myself. If I scream loud enough, maybe I can wake myself up out of whatever nightmare this is. I have to be unconscious. Or dead, and this is hell.

"Mai-chain," she croaks in a voice that's beyond the grave, one that never stops being garbled by water that sounds as though it's sitting thick, deep within her lungs.

Mimiko. Only much, much different. Much, much worse. It's as though the water has somehow fused with her. She crawls towards us with fingers webbed in slimy translucent skin. With every movement, her skin jiggles then sloughs slowly back into place around her misshapen form. And the eyes. Her skin is covered with them. Pitch black eyes that look like gaping sores, all of them focused on me. Her purple lips, like two bruises, curl back into a gaping unhinged smile, exposing rows of widely spaced sharp teeth. But the worst part is what comes out.

She shoots a stream of water towards me, hitting me square in the face. It's the rancid, putrid smell of rot and decay. I gasp as it runs into my mouth and down my throat. As I begin to gag, I instinctively look to flee but remember Kenji. I lock my hands under his armpits but I'm too weak to move him.

"Leave the boy," she croaks. "When I am done with you, I will take him with me."

Her limbs are long and wiry, the gray bone jutting out underneath her thin, loose skin as though it could pierce it at any moment. She reminds me of a spider as she creeps towards us on all fours, rocketing another canon of water toward me that burns my eyes and fills my nose with the smell of death.

I clutch at Kenji's sweatshirt and finally begin to cry panicked, desperate tears. I can't help him, or myself.

Damn, son!  What would you do if faced with imminent death? 

a) Karate chop!

b) Think back on all the great sandwiches you've eaten

c) Raise your arms and say "I'm ready"

d) I have my own dumb solution, thank you.

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