Chapter 2

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"Burn it...burn it...burn it down
Let the flames all touch the ground
Burn it...burn it...burn it down
Let the flames reach for the clouds," She sang cheerily, " Oh Miiiiirrrriiis! Your favorite demon is here! Let's have some fun today! Maybe we can go into town and burn the market...or maybe we can go torture the mayor! Doesn't that sound like fun?!" She yelled, all the while giggling insanely.
      Shaed was crazy, it was a known fact that she quite enjoyed. She loved tormenting her mirrored self, her twin. Miris just made everything so easy though! Shaed wasn't sure why the girl seemed so depressed all the time...there was no light in her eyes, no spark of life. She just couldn't comprehend the sadness that her twin seemed to always be feeling. Giving an exasperated sigh when she received no answer from her earlier question. No she definitely didn't understand Miris Shardstone, not at all.
      Miris on the other hand was wondering when the darkness brought into her life would disappear. Shaed was a menace! The former Church goer was now scared to leave her own home, for fear that the darkness within Shaed would consume her village and hurt everyone she cared about. The fact that her twin was insane only added to that fear.
Nowadays all Miris could feel was despair and guilt. Despair for the loss of freedom within her life, and guilt for bringing this thing into the human world. The demon girl always wanted to hurt someone, always wanted to cause pain and destruction...and what scared Miris the most was that, sometimes, she wanted to JOIN IN!!!!! This was alarming to one, especially not one of her religion, should want to join a demon in its games-Mirror Twin or not. It wasn’t right, but lately Miris felt her sense of right and wrong become shredded then changed to fit darker purposes and beliefs. She wasn’t sure of what to do anymore, and that scared her more than anything else.
After waiting a moment to make sure Shaed was gone, Miris released the breath she wasn’t aware she had been holding in the first place. Heaving a relieved sigh, she looked around to make sure Shaed hadn’t entered her room without her notice. Good thing she hadn’t! Quietly Miris tiptoed towards her bed, reaching underneath she grasped a small box containing some of her most prized possessions. This was the one thing she didn’t want Shaed to find, if her twin found this precious little box...NO she wouldn’t think of what the demon would do with them! She spent hours just gazing into the box, caressing everything within it carefully and lovingly. Her favorite item in the box was the last picture she had of her parents, Lynaea and Varicose Shardstone on her 9th birthday, the day she lost everything.

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