Chapter Fifteen: Cabin In The Woods

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It's 7am, Blake, Lucy and Sam have just left the home of Jeff the killer. Chad shoots awake, he sees the wooden roof of the cabin. He pulls his hands toward him to discover he is chained to the table which the psychopath sleeps on. He searches the room, the large window is to his right, the front door to the bottom left of him. As he looks to the centre of the room he spots the maniac himself, leaning way back on the rocking chair and taking a massive gulp of whiskey, it burns his throat on the way down, just the way he likes it. Some also pours out of the slits in his mouth and trickles down his bloodstained hoodie. He leans forward, eyes locked on Chad.
"Oh your awake, good, that means we can start." Jeff stands up and pulls out a knife, he jumps up onto the table and kneels down. He stabs the weapon into the wood millimetres from Chad's face. He doesn't flinch. Jeff notices this and starts to chuckle.
"You see? That's why I took a liking to you, there I was, doin' my thing, killing that poor Sam's parents. Then out you come, balls of steel, staring me down and even punching me. You've got a hell of a punch by the way." Chad remained silent, he was confident he wouldn't die for two reasons, the first was that he remembers Jeff telling the others that he wouldn't harm him, and the second was that his sister told him so. The two of them looked deep into each other's eyes. Jeff's surrounded by black charcoal like skin. How could anyone burn off their own eyelids. Chad had a little glimmer in his, Jeff mistook it at first as hope, but now he could see that it was the look he'd seen in the mirror years ago. The killer instinct, this mornings events was turning him into something horrible, something nobody could come back from. Jeff finally realised why he liked Chad so much, the two of them were the same in so many ways.
"You know, Chad is it? Before all this, I cared about life too. Until that fateful day when I realised that it is all a cobweb of lies, terror, and pain. Only in death are we ever truly free." He dabbed his finger in the blood dripping along Chad's face.
"The only thing that's promised in life death." Chad says, finally breaking his silence. "The thing is it always comes, all you are doing is putting people away quicker, and insuring that all they do have in their final moments is fear." Jeff listened closely. It wasn't often that anyone even understood his philosophy, it took a special kind of messed up to get the way he thought.
"Would you do any different?" He asks, "if you had nothing left, like me, would you not try to stop anyone else from feeling your pain?" Chad recognised that question, he often found his mother telling him about the way she wanted to give up after his father took his life. She told him that the only thing that motivates her anymore is those she cares about, which was him and his sister. She really did love them, she just had a strange way of showing it, working every hour of the day to provide for them. But in turn leaving them to fend for themselves. Chad always told himself that he needed to do the same. By looking out for Lucy every day he had a determination to be the best person he could be. But he did find himself wondering, if he lost her what would he do? This question scared him more than any threat.
"I... I think I would," he says "I'd do anything for those I love, unlike you I'd never kill my sibling." Jeff's heart skipped a beat.
"My sister would be the only thing I did anything for, I would make sure she's never in danger, ever again." Chad watched as a single tear rolled down Jeff's cold dead skin.
"I felt the same about my brother, Lou, he was the only one I gave a shit about in my past life, but I think you'll find, once you snap, the killer inside will do things you never thought you were capable of doing. Who you are now will be suppressed by the lunatic." Jeff knew now what he had to do, for once he wouldn't find pleasure in his actions, but he had to do it, Chad had the potential to become like Jeff and he could never let that happen.
"What makes you think that I'll be like you?" Chad asks, not wanting to know the answer.
"Have you ever felt, a strange feeling? One that made you feel increasingly violent?" Jeff asks
"I know what your referring to, I have, when I get into fights sometimes I get a weird sense that I am unstoppable." Jeff already knew what his answer would be.
"I'm going to hurt you now, I'll carve up your flesh and pull out your organs, I'll never stop until your beautiful like me, but it's for the best, Lucy won't die like my brother Lou." Chad lunged up at him,
"Don't you dare say her name!" Jeff remembered that Lucy would return soon.
"When your friends come to save you, I'll kill you were you stand."

The forest filled with screams for the following hour. Until finally Chad could take no more. He passed in and out of consciousness. Every time he awoke he burned all over. Holes all around his body, blood flowing like a waterfall from the sides of the table. After another hour of this immense pain he heard a loud crash. Like a plane had landed just outside. He heard Jeff shout in horror as he was dragged outside.
"No! Not now! I'm not finished yet!" He yelled as he was thrown into a tree. Chad battled to open his eyes. The window was now gone, and half the wall with it. Slender Man had come to end Jeff's life. The tall monster turned to Chad, peering into his mind. Slender knew that Chad would die if he were left in this state, he was hardly human anymore. He jumbled up the helpless boys sanity, allowing him to look into the minds of other. Chad heard his sisters heart beat as the Slender Man turned his attention back to Jeff,
"Come on then Slendy!" Jeff said rising to his feet, "time for round two." The two of them fought like animals in the forest. Chad followed their movements until they reached his home. The fight died down, Slender pulled out a mindless proxy from inside his kitchen. They were nearly a kilometre away when the others arrived. Chad was barely breathing.

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