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Do you know what it's like to live in my head? The wretched world threatening to open me up and expose my unwoken secrets .

Do you know , how it feels to be angered by the very sound of tour conscience ? If you were me you wouldn't last a day with my mind . Hold on I have to ...sneeze ... nope gone ... any ways um... what was I saying ?

You weak worldly creatures couldn't cope with the cacophony of intellectual sounds and perplexing pointless phrases that cause nothing but pain and emphasised explosions of confusion. 'The voices tell you this and that ' you say.

But did you ever stop to think about the "freakish" individuals that you deam foes , freaks of nature ... different ? Yet when you , face to face with one of thouse anomalous "freaks", falter, falter with your frenzies of tormenting ,malicious words that drive the mentalists to insanity and a life of insomnia.

can you live a life of constant death , regret , a life of constant melancholy?

Then you'll know what it's like to live my head .

A series of random , unfinished storiesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن