Chapter 1

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"Kelsey, something happened at the last minute. Will you please cover for me tonight?"

I closed my eyes for a moment as I replayed my friend's request over and over again in my head. I could hear the urgency of her voice at the other end of the line. It was 7:35 p.m. I've just finished eating dinner. Well not exactly what you call dinner if you considered ramen noodles as a delicacy but it'll have to do for now. I look at my calender where there was a big, fat, red circle on the 24th. My rent is due next week. Shit.

"Hello???!?!?!? KELSEY! ARE YOU THERE?" My friend shouted, instantly bringing me back to reality as I was lost in my own thoughts and worries.

"Sorry Sarah, I was doing something really quickly."

No I wasn't. I was contemplating whether or not it was really necessary to go. But then again, I really need the money. Its not easy living in a one bedroom apartment in New York City by yourself. It costs way too much money to stay here but then again I hope for the better because its New York. It's true what they say. New York City is a city filled with so many opportunities.

"Well.... What do you say?" She asked, a bit annoyed. Then there was a muffle. "Hold on Kelsey".

Sarah was talking to someone in the background. I heard a raspy, deep male voice. A new Boytoy she was probably talking to.

"Sorry about that. You remember Mike right from the club last week right?"

Mike. Of course I remember him. He was hitting on me. Mike also tried to grope my boobs but luckily he didn't get to because I kicked him in the balls. He was pissed and was ready to leave the club until he saw Sarah. I guess Sarah didn't care when I warned her that he was hitting on me too.

"Yah.... I know who Mike is... why?" I hesitated. It better not be the reason why you decided not to go.

"Well Mike is treating me for dinner and taking me on a shopping spree. You know. The big shops. Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Burberry, Fendi. How can I say no to that? Come on, If you were in my shoes, you would do the same!"

I was right. I couldn't believe it. She was cancelling her session all for this? "Well Mike is a jerk and you know that. He was hitting on me last week"

Sarah sighed. "Look you're on speaker and Mike is here with me. He wants to apologize to you. Right Mike?"

Wait what? "Look! It's fine. I don't want to-"

I suddenly heard his raspy deep voice again "Hey Kelsey. I'm sorry for hitting on you. I was a bit tipsy that night. I hope we're cool".

No. This guy is so annoying. I just want to hang up and watch a new creepy show on Netflix. But I can't. I know Sarah is persistent. I hissed through my teeth. "Sure. Whatever. Where is Sarah?"

"Uh. Here. Um. Talk to you later". He finally said.

There were some muffling on the line until I heard Sarah's voice again.

"Look Kelsey. I really need you to do this for me. Besides, its only for an hour and he's one of my biggest client. Trust me, he pays alot for one hour. He doesn't even ask for much."

Alot. Is what caught my attention. "How much is alot?" I asked. Maybe. Just maybe. I mean it's for one night. For only one hour. How bad could that be?

I could already see the smile on her face. "Is that a yes?"

Before I had the chance to say yes, she squealed so loud, I swear I would have been deaf by now.
"Geez! You're so loud! Fine! I'll do it! Where is the place anyways?" I was exasperated by this whole conversation.

I already took my bag from my closet and started packing my lipstick, my mirrior, and other necessary things I needed to bring to this session.

"No worries! There is a limo coming to your apartment right now. A chaffeur will escort you to his place. My client is willing to pay $4,000". Sarah couldn't contain her excitement. I bet she was all ready for her date with Mike.

"Its only for an hour right?" I wanted to make sure. I don't want to make any mistakes tonight.

Sarah chuckled. "Believe me. My client only needs an hour. He doesn't ask for more."

At this point I didn't care anymore because all I was thinking was that $4,000. It's perfect. Exactly what I needed. It will cover my rent and I'll still have some money leftover.

"Okay I got you." I finally said. Money is ringing in my ears. I keep telling myself it's only one night.

"Thank you Kelsey. I really mean it. You will see at the end of the night this will help you. I will talk to you tomorrow."

I heard a honk. I looked at my window and saw the sleek black limousine waiting for me outside. The chaffeur wore black from head to toe, smoking a cigarette.

"Yeah. Talk to you tomorrow". I ended the call and stared at my closet for a very long time.

There it was. We meet again for the third time this week. I see a sleek black leather body suit hanging from my closet as well as the equipment right next to it in a box. I opened the box and saw some candles, a whip, a riding crop, handcuffs, a blindfold, a feather and a flogger. They were all staring back at me.

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