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Gosh why are my readers so good at writing like gawd chill out XD. I really love this oneshot 'cause Yosuga would definitely walk in the rain to Naruto's house like it's nothing for his birthday and I'm not saying anything but that cake is gonna be bomb if Yosuga made it. 

Thank you for your masterpiece! 

(Submissions are still open to whoever wants to enter!) 


(in this one-shot, Sasuke is still at the village and Naruto hasn't gone to train.)

Ω.Third Person.Ω

It was a very gloomy day today. The heavy rain beat against the Earth mercilessly. The dark, stormy, gray sky would make even the happiest person feel down.

And it did.

Today's date is now October 10th. It may not be a special date for you, but for a certain blonde-headed boy, today was supposed to be the best day of the year.

We'd all expect for him to be running down the usually busy roads of Konoha, making sure every man, women, and child were aware of the special day.

But today was just gloomy.

And being locked up in the house gave Naruto the chance to actually think.

Yes, I typed that correctly.


'Today's the day I finally turn 14! But man, it's all rainy! What am I supposed to do today?! I'm so bored and kinda lonely...'

Naruto's face grew a look of confusion and concentration.

'I could always go and bother Sasuke, But I'm not really feelin' it today. I don't want his attitude rubbing off on me. I bet you he doesn't have any fun on his birthday! Hey, I wonder when that teme's birthday is anyway. He doesn't have anyone to celebrate it with, just like me...'

Realization and slight sadness washed over the poor blonde's face, finally processing that no ever spends time with him on his birthday.

'Isn't today also the the day the nine tailed fox attacked? And the day The Fourth Hokage died? Along with my parents and many more? Wow, no wonder why it's so rainy out there. The sky is probably crying.'

The blondes attitude only worsened from there on out. All day, he just sat curled up in a ball on his bed, now realizing all of the death that happens the day he was born. The day that he always celebrated, was actually a day most people mourned on.

'So, nothing good really happened the day I was born. Maybe I'm a cursed kid. And maybe that's why I'm a terrible ninja.'

During these thoughts, the blue-eyed boy didn't realize the sorrow filled tears that streamed down his nicely tanned face.

By the time his mind finally calmed down, the rain had stopped and it was about 4:30 p.m.

Blinking many times to clear his vision, Naruto began to rub his eyes, ridding them of any leftover tears that remained on his cheeks.

'Wow, no one came to wish me Happy Birthday. What a surprise-'

Before he could finish that thought, a knock on his door interrupted. Sighing, he slowly moved towards his door, not in the mood for visitors.

Unless they were there for his birthday, of course.

Unlocking his door, he cracked it open a bit for it only to be slammed open.

What he saw next surprised him.

It was Yosuga, drenched in water, holding a rectangle shaped box with one of her hands. She also had a party hat on which made the blonde giggle, forgetting the previous thought that were floating around in his head.

"What're you doing here?" He questions.

She didn't answer.

She didn't because she herself didn't know why. She knew it was Naruto's birthday, and she had a feeling that no one would come here in the rain to celebrate it. The whole way to his house, she kept questioning herself. 'Why, why am I doing this?' She knew he was a jinjuriki, and she knew almost no one accepted him. It made her heart drop when she thought of him celebrating his special day alone. He didn't deserve. Not the blonde who was always smiling. The kid who was always happy. The kid who accepted her, even with all of her flaws and secrets.

Not her Naruto.

Not her best friend.

After a couple minutes of silence, she finally spoke up.

"Because, you're my best friend." She said lowly, kind of embarrassed.

"Really?!" The birthday boy shouted.

"Yeah." She smiled softly at him.

"You're the greatest Yosu-chan!" He smiled his famous smile and gave her a bear hug.

She simply pats his back and repeated, 'I know.'

Naruto's giant grin slowly turned into a soft smile.

"You know, I thought no one would come." His smile now completely gone because of his previous thoughts that just resurfaced.

"Now that they know Nine-Tails is sealed inside me, they all have been distant, even Sakura-chan! Did you know today is the day the Fourth Hokage died, along with my parents and many others? Most people mourn this day while I'm celebrating it-" He was abruptly cut off by Yousuga pushing him off of her.

"Woah, Naruto, this isn't you. Stop thinking so hard. I know it's also a sad day, but don't think bad about yourself. Just know that I got your back, okay?" She replied, letting some of her emotions out.

He smiled a nodded his head. I gave a small smile.

"NOW IS THAT CAKE IN THE BOX OR WHAT?!?!" The serious environment destroyed when the blonde asked.

"Yeah-" barely getting it out, naruto snatched the box and opened it up, revealing a simple cake that said 'Happy 14th Birthday.'

The rest of the night, the two laughed and ate cake, enjoying each other's company.

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