Happy, Geeky Love

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              It was a couple weeks into sophomore year. I didn’t know anyone in my lunch so I sat alone awkwardly while I ate my peanut butter and Nutella sandwich. It’s not that I didn’t have friends – because I do. In fact many people in all grades of high school know who I am. I’m the girl that plays the green ukulele during lunch and all throughout the hallways. But these people that know of me aren’t necessarily my friends, so that’s why I’m sitting alone.

            Since I don’t particularly like people in my school, I’d yet to make any good friends this school year. Not that I would make new friends, most likely. I’m such an introvert and I’m just plain weird. Well, I’m not that weird. I’m just really nerdy and geeky. My life revolves around Doctor Who and Sherlock and I feel awful if I get an A-. The friends I have are enough though. Some of them are accepting of me being a geek, while others just walk away when I start talking about my shows.

            So basically, I’m not a normal teenage girl. I’m short – barely reaching five feet in height, even though I’m fifteen. And sadly, I’m fully gown. My hair is a mousy brown that lies awkwardly above my shoulders. I have black plastic rimmed glasses and I fangirl over my British actors – Tom Hiddleston, Martin Freeman, David Tennant, and Benedict Cumberbatch. And also, I play a few too many instruments – French horn, ukulele, piano, melodica, recorder, violin, orchestra bells, and mandolin. So yes, I’m very different from your average Uggs wearing and Starbucks drinking teenage girl.

            I finished my sandwich and awkwardly gazed around the cafeteria to see people socializing. I lowered my gaze to my barely functioning, school issued laptop that I brought with me to lunch. I groaned in frustration as it wouldn’t let me print an essay that was due fourth block. My fourth block teacher has a strict policy that insists that we must have a print out of any essay before arriving in class. I open a new unsaved document before closing my laptop. Having an unsaved document open prevents the laptop from shutting down while the lid is closed. I got up with my ukulele and laptop and made my way to the library where I was hoping to find the student tech team.

            The student tech team is a group of male ultra-geeks. Instead of eating, they dedicate their half hour of lunch to fixing laptops. They’re located in the back of a library, in a room too small to be considered a walk in closet.

            When I got to the student tech room, I’m greeted by a boy that’s a year older than me.

            “Hi,” I squeaked out awkwardly. “My computer won’t print…”

            “Okay, let me see,” the boy says as I hand him my laptop. “Did you carry this laptop here on?” The boy asks incredulously.

            “Um… Yes?” I stammer.

            “You are the bane of our existence!” The boy shouts jokingly.

            “Oh… Sorry…”

            “It’s fine. I’ll try to see what’s up.”

            I backed out of the claustrophobic room and sat against a wall just outside. In my notebook, I started to completely rewrite my essay, in case the issue with the cheap laptop couldn’t be resolved.

            A different guy from inside the tech room comes out. He sees me sitting on my knees while scrambling to write my essay.

            “Hey, do want to come inside and sit on a chair? I’m sure it’s more comfortable than sitting out here…”

            “Sure, thanks.” I smiled at him while standing up. We walk back into the tech room together.

            “Hey Tucker, I told her to come in here because she looked really uncomfortable trying to write on her notebook on her lap,” says the boy that invited me inside.

            “I’m so jealous… Her computer runs so much faster than mine,” Tucker complained. “Hey, Adam, can you get me my flash drive on the table next to you? Wait, what’s your name?” Tucker turned to me.


            “Okay Piper, I don’t know why this won’t print. But this is what I’m going to do. I’m going to transfer the file onto my flash drive and print it from my computer. Okay! It just printed.”

            “Oh my Gallifrey, thank you so much!” I exclaimed excitedly.

            “Oh my Gallifrey?” Tucker chuckled while asking.

            “Yeah sorry… It’s from a TV show. I’m such a geek, as you can tell from the Sherlock background.”

            “No, no, don’t worry. I know, it’s from Doctor Who. It’s just I’ve never heard anyone say that before.” Tucker smiled. “Don’t be ashamed of being a geek. It’s a great quality, if you ask me. I hope you don't mind if I start using that phrase."

            "No, I don't mind." I smiled before standing to collect my laptop. “Well, thanks again. Bye guys!”

            As I walked out of the library and back to my third block class, I found myself smiling.

            I'm not alone. I’d finally found others like me.


Wooo! Hey guys! This is my new project. I didn't proof read, sorry! I'm not sure if I'll be doing the entire story in only Piper's point of view or not. I'll have to see how everything plays out. Let me know what you think by commenting and voting! Thanks!


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