Phone Calls

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Ah, Dumbi beat me again!
I hit the "Try Again" button when my screen darkened and a notification popped up on the top of the screen.
It was a call from PBG. I answered to hear the happy voice of PBG on the other end.
I've always had a huge crush on him, so having any opportunity to hang out with him was always a huge opportunity for me.
"Hey Hana! Are you busy or anything?" You could hear him smiling. But he didn't sound happy, he kinda sounded nervous. I wonder why? I brush it off, and pretend not to notice.
"Uh no I'm not. Did you need anything?" I decide to ask him this because of how vague and general of a question it is, so whatever he wants won't be thrown out of subject.
"Uh..." He paused for a moment, and I heard a little shuffling. "Do you.. Want to go out to the caf' with me, get a cookie and sit out and chat?" I rethink what he said in my head. He said sit out and chat, so we will be alone outside. That, or we'll be sitting out of earshot and away from people. This might be one of my few chances.
"Yeah that sounds like a lot of fun! When would you like to meet?" I ask him.
"We, we could meet in 30 minutes? Just in the cafeteria?" He responds. He sounds more nervous than ever.
I try not to let nervousness edge into my voice as well. I know what I should do today. It's been far too long, and I need to do this.
"That sounds perfect! Should I bring any money?"
"No, no don't worry about it. Cookies don't cost very much anyways."
"Well, it sounds like a lot of fun. I'll see you then." I hear him perk up again with his response. "Yeah! I'll see you then!" He hung up before I could say goodbye, but it didn't bother me.
I slid my phone into the inside pocket of my blazer, and stood up and went to the mirror we keep in the corner of the room.
I adjust my bow, and smooth out the wrinkles in my skirt.
I knew I had a while before I would leave, but I wanted it to go as smoothly as possible.
I sat in the middle of the floor, planning and replanning how I'm going to ask PBG out.
In the midst of my thinking, however, I heard a click come from behind her.
"Yo Hana I'm home!" It was Mai. She had gotten back from Volleyball. No wait. She wasn't. She's not wearing her jersey? What was she doing?
She saw me were I sat, and was concerned. "Hana, is everything okay?"
"Yeah, yeah everything's fine, its just that PBG invited me out an-" Mai had interrupted me.
"Ooooohh, is it a date?"
"No Ma-"
"Does he like you back?"
"I don't know Mai."
"Well, are you going to try to ask him?" She practically read my mind.
"Yeah that's what I'm gonna do. But I'm not sure how."
I checked the time. 11:12. He called me at 10:56. I had a little under 15 minutes before I should be there.
"Well, you shouldnt just plan it out. You should let it flow as the conversation goes." She sat down next to me on the floor. "This kinda stuff takes a lot of courage, Hana. I'm proud of you that you're gonna attempt this."
I smile, slightly more relaxed.
I hold out my hand for a fist bump. "Thanks Mai."
I stood up, and picked up my shoes and sat on the edge of my bed.
"By the way," I ask, "what were you doing before you got here? I thought you were at volleyball but you came home without your bag or jersey."
Mai hesitated. "Uh.. I was working on homework.. Yeah. With Jon. We were working together."
I nod. "So not in their dorm because it was quiet when PBG called."
"Yeah we were in the... The library." She was sitting at her desk, doodling without making eye contact.
"Yeah okay." I said. "Well, I should head out now." I stand up. "You can invite whoever over, just don't kill anyone," I joke.
Mai Chuckled. "Yeah yeah. Don't worry."
And with that and a final goodbye, I was out the door.

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