A Totally Mundane Love Story

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To be honest, Gemma Diamond was weird. Her motto was: "Never Grow Up For Anyone". She was outgoing, excitable, and loved to make others laugh. She ran and skipped through the hallways in school; she sang in class and drew on her hands and notes. She could be loud and often emabarassing to be seen with. She loved art and theater and was skilled in both areas. She had quite a few friends and didn't mind talking with new people. She considered herself a little girl trapped in a teenagers body. 

Lawson Black, on the other hand, was a shy dork. He didn't talk much and when he did it wasn't very interesting. He played video games in his spare time and he kept to himself. He didn't have many friends but that didn't mean he was friendless; he had a few close friends. He was smart and he turned most of his stuff in on time. His introverted disposition was often mistaken with rudeness or douchebaggery.

To put it simply, they were different but somewhat the same.

And she liked different. She liked it a lot.

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